I'm Here Now

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Chapter Four:

Yelena and Female Reader (Willing to take requests, and I can absolutely try and write using they/them and possibly even for a male reader.)

Summary: Disclaimer, in this one shot, Natasha is still alive. You are five months pregnant and are home alone. Your daily routine is interrupted when you suspect someone is watching the apartment. Knowing that Yelena wasn't due back from a mission until later in the evening and with no way for Yelena to answer any of your frantic phone calls, you call Natasha to stay with you. And Yelena returns home that evening, worried out of her mind.


There wasn't anything that you disliked more than when you were alone, and that had been happening a lot lately. But it worried you even more so now that you were six months pregnant. Yelena had been asked to go on more missions since they'd found out you were pregnant than ever before, and you were just happy that when Yelena got home later that evening it would be the end of her final mission for at least a year and a half.

You always stuck to your daily routine, unless you were invited over to Alexei and Melina's, or Natasha took you out for the day. But today you were on your own and so you started your day like normal. First, you'd steal one of Yelena's hoodies, a comfort that you loved having especially since most of your own clothes didn't fit very well anymore either. Then, you'd try and decide on cooking something healthy and nutritious but usually you ended up making pancakes and dowsing them with syrup and whatever fruit you had in the fridge, which was usually strawberries or blueberries.

But this morning instead of sitting on the couch like you normally would, you moved to the balcony, hoping to soak in some of the late morning sun which had made its way into the apartment through the open windows.

You stretched out your legs onto the other chair once you were sat down and let the plate of pancakes rest on your growing belly, you couldn't wait to have Yelena home so she could be here for the last three months of the pregnancy, she hadn't missed a lot during the first trimester, mostly just morning sickness and you being grumpy but now with the baby growing and moving it would definitely be amazing to have Yelena home.

You watched as the people moved through the town below, shopping around and meeting up with friends. But something was wrong, and the more that you studied the scene below you the quicker you realised that the black van you had seen only ten minutes previous had now stopped, and the same two people were glancing up at your apartment, changing their positions every few minutes. You slowly got up, keeping calm and you headed inside locking the balcony door and doing the same for all of the open windows in the house and then you quickly checked the front door, before grabbing your phone and clicking on Yelena's contact hoping to God your wife would pick up.

One missed call.

"Please pick up baby."

Two missed calls.

"God damnit."

Three, four, five, six.

"Hey detka, it's only me. If you get these calls, please call me back as soon as you can, please. I love you." You left a voicemail before placing your phone on the kitchen table. Running your hands through your hair.

You were going to call a seventh time, but it was pretty apparent that Yelena couldn't answer the phone right now, and you couldn't drive because Yelena had the car, and defending yourself when you were six months pregnant, wasn't an option at all.

You went over to the bedroom window and slowly pulled the curtain back, and your blood ran cold when you realised that they were still there, and you started to panic.

Yelena and Reader One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora