Birthday Surprise

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Chapter Eleven:

Summary: You and Florence have been together for five years. Florence is done filming for her latest movie and you're at your house in Oxford. She arrives home the evening before your birthday, and when you wake up the next morning to find Florence gone and just a note explaining where she went, and how long she would be gone. And you fall into the mindset that Florence forgot. Until the early evening rolls around and everything falls into place.


"Penelope Elizabeth! Leave Billie alone and calm down!" Whenever you told your six-year-old daughter that Florence would be coming home after however long she had been away, it meant that you always had to deal with her being hyper and the sheer annoyance of knowing you wouldn't be able to get her to sit still until your girlfriend arrived home.

She was tormenting Billie, who was now taking refuge under the kitchen table. They had an immensely good bond but sometimes Penelope was too much for Billie to handle.

You made eye contact with your daughter, and she looked at you with her beautiful green eyes and huffed slightly before holding her hands up and walking away from the traumatised Pitbull Terrier. She may only be six years old, but she acted like a teenager, and some days it was hard to deal with on your own.

"When is mama coming home? Will she be home before I go to bed? She has to come home before I go to bed, or I won't be able to sleep, and then if I don't sleep, I'll be tired and sad and tired." You adjusted yourself from being laid on the couch and sat up opening up the blanket and patting your lap.

You knew she was tired, because she was rambling, and she had picked up that habit from Florence.

Penelope dragged her feet as she walked over to you and collapsed in your arms, you wrapped her up in the blanket and cuddled her close.

"Your mama is on her way home now, and you can stay up to see her but then it's straight to bed or you'll be a grumpy little girl tomorrow. Do you want to watch a movie while we wait sweetheart?" When Penelope nodded her head against your chest you grabbed the remote and randomly chose a Disney movie, Moana was the first recommendation and you pressed play.

"Billie, come here sweet girl." You called out for her, and she trotted over and took her seat next to you, and you made sure to scratch her just behind her ears where you knew she liked it the most.

You looked down at Penelope, who was now engrossed in the movie, and you smiled, finding it hard to believe you were her mother. You were never sure that title would belong to you, until that one amazing day when you found out after being so ill for over two weeks. You were ecstatic, your boyfriend at the time was not. He told you to get an abortion, accused you of cheating and then he picked up and left the next day, leaving you all alone to figure everything out for yourself.

You were alone for the first year of Penelope's life, determined to do it all on your own, you were a singer/songwriter and quite well known in England but not so much anywhere else, but one evening you were out walking in Oxford, you'd had a gig a couple hours before and Penelope had been fussy and refusing to sleep, so you had pulled on your baby carrier and got Penelope strapped in hoping a walk would get her to drift off.

You had been walking for about half an hour when a puppy, with no owner in sight had run up to you and sat down looking up at you it's tail wagging. You looked down and saw that Penelope was asleep and you bent down to pet the puppy and checked the collar that was around their neck.

Billie. Owner, Florence Pugh. Contact Number ***********

You pulled out your phone to call the number when a person almost collided with you. And the dog began to wag it's tail excitedly clearly happy to see the person, and you stood up and saw a pink lead hanging from their hand. The dog now in their arms.

Yelena and Reader One Shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें