Our Miracle

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Chapter Twelve:

Summary: You and Florence have been trying for a baby for a year, and it definitely hasn't been easy, the strain on your relationship was getting worse each time. And just when you think it won't happen for you both, miracles do seem to happen.


You barely left your bed most days, your head and your heart always felt heavy, and you were completely exhausted all of the time.

All you wanted was to have a family with your wife, but it seemed like you were being struck down every single time.

Three miscarriages in the space of a year, and now you were too afraid to try again. And after every failed attempt you just felt more and more like a failure. That you weren't cut out to be a mother.

Yes, you and Florence had talked about her carrying the baby, but you both knew how much it meant to you that you did. So, she sat by your side every time, through the transfer process, when you peed on that magic little stick, through the excitement of finding out, and then through the sheer pain of losing the little life you wanted so badly.

"Morning baby, you awake?" You felt the bed dip and rolled over to see Florence holding a mug in her hands.

You were still half asleep, and you held out your arms wanting her to crawl back into bed with you. You smiled softly when she put the mug down and laid down next to you, holding you close. You loved her hugs with all of your heart. She had this superpower, and there wasn't anything that her hugs couldn't solve.

"I love you so much, you're my entire world Florence Rose Pugh." She pulled back from the hug and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear and you leaned into her hand.

"I love you more, Y/F/N Y/M/N Pugh. And I'll never ever stop reminding you." Florence moved so you had your head laid on her chest and her arms were holding you tightly.

"Do you think we'll ever have kids' baby?" You could feel the lump forming in your throat just thinking about it never happening.

"Of course, we will, however it happens, we will have a family. I promise. Oh love, don't cry." You couldn't help the tears from falling and Florence just held you tighter her hands drawing circles on your back to calm you down.

You both stayed like that until you stopped crying, and then you let Florence help you up so you could have a shower. You were having lunch with Scarlett and Colin that afternoon, you weren't sure if Scarlett was bringing Rose, but you hoped she would.

The morning was a blur, you mostly spent time curled up next to Florence, you took Billie for a walk together and you felt slightly better for it. And before you knew it the doorbell was ringing, and you kissed Florence softly before walking to the front door to greet your guests.

"Hi Scar, hey Colin, come on in. Did you not bring Rose with you?" You smiled as the young girl stood in front of you giggled as you pretended not to see her.

You acted like you were looking around trying to search for her.

"Auntie Y/N I'm down here!" She exclaimed, and you looked down letting your expression change into that of surprise. You bent down and scooped up the young girl.

"There you are! Shall we go inside?" Your heart ached for this, a son, or a daughter to share moments like this with but you knew that there was a high possibility it wouldn't happen.

"Can we play in the garden with Billie?" Rose asked you as you headed inside and closed the door. The chattering coming from the kitchen indicated most likely that Scarlett and Colin were being updated on what was going on with them. So, you were more than happy to indulge in Rose's request.

"Of course, we can sweetheart." You let her down from your hip and she took your hand and walked to the patio doors. You ignored the conversation that was coming from the kitchen and opened the doors fully, letting Rose run out before you turned and beckoned for Billie.

You sat on the patio steps, watching as Rose played fetch with Billie, occasionally she brought the ball to you, and you threw it as well. But you mostly sat and watched, and then you heard footsteps behind you, and you looked up to see Scarlett, who took a seat beside you on the step.

"Hey, how are you doing?" You knew that you shouldn't take offence to her asking but you could tell exactly what she had meant when she asked you 'how you were doing'. Florence had probably told her everything and now Scarlett felt sorry for you.

"I'm fine, how are you?" You would really rather keep the attention away from you, or you'd either lose it or get upset.

Just as Rose came running over, Scarlett answered you, and suddenly it was as if you had gone completely deaf, the ringing in your ears blocking out all of the sounds around you.

"...I'm pregnant..."

So many emotions flooded your head in that moment, and you stood, feeling so out of control of your body as you stood up and walked away, into the house and up the stairs. You felt like you were drowning, you were happy of course you were, that wasn't why you were so upset. But why could Scarlett have two healthy children and you and Florence lose so much?

Had you done something so wrong that you were being punished?

You shut the bedroom door and laid on Florence's side of the bed silent tears falling down your cheeks. You heard the door open you shut your eyes tightly. Feeling so guilty for reacting in such a cold and horrible way.

"I'm sorry Y/N I didn't think before I said anything...it was stupid of me." Scarlett's voice rang out and you pushed yourself up and wiped at your eyes, trying to stop the tears.

"I should be the one apologising Scarlett; I shouldn't have reacted that way. I'm so happy for you and Colin I truly am. You both deserve this." You moved from where you were sat and walked over to pull Scarlett in for a hug. She held you tightly and gently dabbed at your cheeks with her sleeve.

"You and Florence will have your time, I promise you. And if you ever need someone to talk to or cry to, I'm here, okay? Let's go back downstairs before Rose loses her shit because Auntie Y/N isn't sitting next to her." Scarlett held your hand and you both headed back downstairs.

<One Month Later>

It had been a month, and you and Florence had agreed to try one more time. The date had been set, and then a week before she received a phone call about finishing scenes for her new movie and she had to leave the week before the transfer date. You were devastated but knew she had to go, and you couldn't reschedule the appointment because of all the medication and injections you had needed to do to prepare.

So, you were laid on the procedure chair, holding onto your mothers-in-law hand as the process happened. And you had your phone ready to take a photo for Florence once the embryo had been implanted. You were wearing your lucky socks that Florence had gotten you after your first transfer, and you hoped to God they worked this time.

Once everything was all done, you received the same talk from your doctor as you had done the three other times.

"No stress, no heavy exercise, heavy lifting, travelling. Bed rest for the first week. Any cramping or bleeding call me, or if it's serious go to A&E and ask for me. You have my number Y/N if you have any worries just call or text me, okay?" You slowly got off the chair and pulled your doctor in for a hug.

"Thank you, Doctor Johnson. Hopefully this will be the last time I see you for this." You grabbed your notes and headed out of the procedure room and out of the clinic. Honestly knowing in your heart that whatever the outcome of what happened this time it would be your last time in that procedure room because you couldn't do it again.

"Please stick little one. Your mummies need you." You let your hand rest on your stomach before Debbie caught up with you and pulled her arm around your shoulder.

"Let's get you home sweetheart."

<Seven Weeks Later>

It had been the most tense, scary, and longest seven weeks of your life. And not having Florence there just made things worse. Your mother-in-law came by two days a week to see how you were, and to help you do certain things that you weren't supposed to do. You spent a lot of your time laid on the sofa with Billie at your feet, unable to think anything was going to happen and when Florence finally came home, and you took a test that it would be negative.

Scarlett was your most frequent visitor though, and you knew that was probably down to Florence's doing. She would have felt so guilty about leaving you alone for so long and knew you would need a friend.

Now, it was the final week of being on your own before Florence was going to come home and the nerves had settled in, you didn't want to fail her again, you'd had no symptoms or anything to indicate you were pregnant and your hope was fading quickly. You'd stopped answering her texts and declining her calls. Unable to shake that horrible feeling that you were going to become the biggest disappointment to the woman you loved most.

You pulled yourself out of bed unwillingly, but the whining of Billie made you throw back the covers and pull one of your throws around your shoulders as you followed the dog downstairs.

You let her outside and then the doorbell rang. It wasn't early but you certainly didn't think you were expecting visitors. Your hands only tightened around the throw, and you walked to the foyer glancing back to check you had left the patio door open, so Billie wasn't stuck outside, and you opened the door.

"Hey sweetie, how are you doing? Sorry I should have called but I thought you might want some company?" Scarlett stood on the doorstep, and you offered her a small smile, not sure you could have convinced anyone that the smile held any meaning, you felt completely numb.

"I'm okay. Come in, how's my little niece or nephew?" Your eyes moved down to Scarlett's growing belly, and you waited for her to come inside, before closing and locking the door behind her.

"They're good, Colin is convinced girl but I'm going with boy. Do you want some breakfast?" Scarlett made herself at home and you were glad she had done because you had gone back to the sofa, and indent was probably very apparent in the spot you laid down in because that's where you spent most of your time. It was either there or in your bed.

"Sure, we should have some things in the fridge. Help yourself, make enough for you as well." You beckoned for Billie to join you on the sofa and smiled when she curled up next to your chest. You nuzzled your head on top of hers, and gently stroked her paws, this just made the dog burrow closer to you.

Scarlett started to make breakfast, it was something with eggs, the smell soon filled the house and it floated over to you, it was a breakfast you normally enjoyed. But as soon as you took in the aroma, your stomach flipped, and you gently nudged at Billie, so she moved and ran to the bathroom throwing up. A burning sensation settled in the back of your throat as you continued to dry heave, what little you had eaten yesterday had already come up.

"Y/N? Oh sweetie, are you okay? Do you want to stay there, or can I help you up?" Scarlett's hand rubbing circles on your back reminded you that you weren't alone.

You waited as another minute passed and then reached over to flush the toilet letting Scarlett help you up. You rinsed your mouth out and then looked at yourself in the mirror and you scared yourself, your face was pale, and your eyes were dull, bags underneath clearly showing the sleepless nights.

"Your room, or the sofa Y/N?" Scarlett had looped her arm around your waist to steady you waiting for you to decide on where you wanted to go.

"My room, I might take a bath. You don't have to stay Scar. I don't want to get you sick." You knew that it may be because you were pregnant, but you refused to believe it, anything else was much more bearable.

"Y/N, you might be-" Scarlett's voice sounded hopeful, but you didn't want anyone to give you that, so you cut her off.

"No, don't say it, please. I'm not, I'll be fine. You can go, please Scarlett. I'll be fine on my own." You could feel the tears beginning to come, and you couldn't break down in front of anyone else.

"Okay, let me get you upstairs and then I'll go. But I will be a phone call away if you need me." Scarlett helped you upstairs and then left you with a kiss on your forehead. You waited for the door to shut downstairs before the flood gates opened and the tears fell.

You cried until you fell asleep and then you slept most of the day away. When you finally woke up, it was around 8pm in the evening and you looked over to see Billie had taken refuge on your pillow. You threw the covers off of you, and gently manoeuvred yourself out of bed and as you went to make the bed you looked down at the light blue sheet on the bed and your heart sunk when you saw little spots of red.

You felt angry and upset with yourself, and you stripped the bed disturbing Billie, but you were in a sort of trance as you hastily remade the bed again. Then you walked into the bathroom and ran the water for a bath, getting in and sitting there until your fingers turned wrinkly and the water was freezing.

The next six days were blurry, you slept, barely ate, threw up every morning and sometimes in the evening, no one visited, or rather you just didn't answer the door. You were inconsolable, and you felt broken. As if you had been a fragile glass vase full of beautiful flowers, and one by one someone had snipped off a head, until you were just full of stems, and then someone had pushed you off of the windowsill and you had shattered into a million tiny, unfixable fragments.

The seventh day, Florence returned home. You were laying in bed with Billie when the front door opened, and you didn't move. Not when she called out for you, or when her footsteps ascended the stairs, or when she opened the bedroom door.

"Get up." She stated, and just by her tone you knew she was pissed off. The soft raspiness of her wasn't there, it was sharp and cold and uninviting.
"Go away." You mumbled, she deserved better, she deserved someone who wasn't going to fail at giving her a family.

"I won't ask you again Y/N, get up. You refuse to answer my calls or texts. You don't answer the door to anyone, I thought you were fucking dead! You're so selfish, only thinking of yourself." Florence's words hurt you, and you began to sob into the pillow, with every agonising breath you let out a cry.

"Go away! Go, go and find someone who can give you a family. Go and get married to someone who isn't a fucking failure then, who can carry a baby and not lose it! Fucking go!" It all hurt so much, and you were sat up now, facing your wife.

"I started bleeding, on Monday. Guess I'm just a fucking useless human being, aren't I? So, there you have it, I'm not pregnant. You can go and find someone who can give you what you want." You watched as Florence thought about speaking and then she turned on her heel and slammed the bedroom door.

You screamed in frustration and then pulled your knees to your chest as you cried, you had lost her as well.

You curled up under the covers and waited to want to hear that Florence was still there in the house, but you didn't know at all, if she was, she was being deadly silent.

You must've fallen asleep, but you didn't wake up willingly, the heaviness in your stomach made you hurry out of bed, and you only just made it to the bathroom in time before the nausea hit you again.

You wanted Florence, but you knew she wouldn't want to see you.

You slowly pulled yourself up, but the instant you were upright the room started spinning and before you could even try and shout out for your wife black spots invaded your vision and you fell onto the bathroom floor with a thud.

Florence had gone downstairs to cool down, this whole situation had definitely put a strain on your relationship, and she felt beyond guilty for leaving you when you needed her. She called Scarlett for advice and then her mother to let her know you were alive and then she heard the thud from upstairs and ran to investigate.

"Y/N, baby?" Florence saw you weren't in the bed, but she didn't expect to see you passed out on the bathroom floor.

She got down on her knees and slowly laid a towel under you head as she called an ambulance. So many thoughts were running through her mind.

You woke up to an unpleasant pounding in your head, and the bright white lights gave away just where you were. You looked to your left and saw Florence asleep in the chair beside your bed. Her hand was holding yours.

You moved your head to the right, spotting the I.V in your arm but also Scarlett, who was looking at you, not asleep.

"Hey, how are you feeling? You gave Florence quite the scare." Scarlett moved the chair closer, and you took a deep breath before you began to talk.

"I'm so sorry I pushed you away, I just didn't want to say something I'd regret to you, like I did to Florence when she came home...I shouted at her Scar, I told her to leave and find someone who could give her a family...I really messed up." Your heart started to beat faster causing the monitor attached to your heart to act up, the tears welled up and the more worked up you got the faster the heart rate monitor started beeping, and this in turn woke Florence up.

"Y/N? Hey, hey, look at me. I'm here, I'm here and I'm not going anywhere. Focus on me, I love you with all of my heart and you're my family. Whatever happens, happens and that's okay but as long as I still have you that's all I need. I'm so sorry for getting angry, I wish I hadn't, I'm sorry." Florence had moved the bed rail down and was sat beside you, and you held onto her tightly. The longer you were in her arms safe, the calmer you got until your heart rate was normal. You looked over and saw Scarlett's chair was empty, she must've left after Florence had woken up.

"I love you so much." You whispered, and Florence kissed you softly.

A knock at the door interrupted the moment, and you saw your doctor walk in, which confused you because why would she be your consultant.

"Hi Y/N, Florence. Your consultant thought I should be the one to break the news. We ran some tests and did a pregnancy test since Florence told us you haven't taken one." You were so sure that Doctor Johnson was about to deliver news you didn't want to hear.

"No, no I know it'll be negative; I had some bleeding. I've had no symptoms. Please don't." Your voice broke on the last sentence, and Florence held onto your hand tightly.

"Y/N, hey listen to me. You're pregnant, it's a strong positive, your HCG markers are incredibly high. You're pregnant, the sickness was a symptom, and it's quite normal to experience spotting especially with IVF. But you're seven weeks pregnant. Almost eight. Congratulations." You couldn't believe what was being said, and it took a moment for it to process.

You were actually pregnant, further along than any of the other times. You and Florence were going to have a baby.

"Oh...you're not lying, are you? Florence. We're having a baby. We're actually going to have a baby." You took Florence's hand then she moved it to your belly.

"We're having a baby love, we really are." Florence kissed you softly.

"Obviously because you're an IVF patient, we'll keep a close eye on you, but I have a good feeling I'll be seeing you in seven months after you've delivered your little miracle." Doctor Johnson left and Scarlett came back, and you knew she knew because you had the biggest grin on your face, and so did Florence.

Everything really had worked out.

<Seven Months Later>

"Come on Y/N you can do this."

"One more push and we'll see your little one."

"Time of delivery, 3:46pm, date, March 24th. It's a girl!"

"Welcome to the world Elizabeth Scarlett Pugh, we've waited a long time for you."

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