Chapter 23

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Kat turned and saw a beautiful woman who looked just like her. With beautiful brown hair and black eyes she smiled. Katherine choked calling "Mum"? The woman Lilia smiled and spread her arms. Kat ran into them and started crying. Another hand covered her and she looked up to see a man.

He looked to be tall and bulky but his features were soft. He too had a smile with glittering gold eyes. Kat gasped and said "Dad?" He smiled and said "Yes princess. " Just as they were reminiscing a glimmering fog apperead and a beautiful woman with soft gold hair and gold eyes materialised.

Katherine looked in awe at her elder sister and called out "Daphne." Daphne hugged her and said "Welcome back baby sister ." After the reunion Kat introduced everyone. They went out to the balcony where the citizens gathered and started cheering.

The King Jameson announced the return of his daughter and her coronation. Days passed and it was the day of Coronation. Katherine was in her room fidgeting nervously and Daphne and Rosalie were checking out her dresses.

Daphne placed a hair on her cheek and said "Don't worry Kitty. You will do well." Katherine nodded and got ready . It was evening and every one gathered in the ball room where the ceremony was taking place . The doors opened and Katherine descended from the stairs.

Everyone looked at her awe struck but Ares breathed a shocked breath. His breath left him when he saw her. She looked so etheral in that dress and his dead heart came alive. As she came Ares came to her and escorted her to the dias where the first dance was performed.

They looked into each other's as they danced and Kat's eyes glittered with happiness as she danced with him. Later the ceremony commenced and Kat gained full control of her royal power. As the ceremony concluded the lights dimmed and focused on Katherine.

She looked around in confusion when Ares came into her view. He pulled out a small rectangular box and got down on one knee. Kat gasped and he started saying "Kat from the moment I met you I knew we were destined. I only see you and me spending the rest of our lives together. If I don't ask you to be mine I know I'll regret it for the rest of my life. Marry me?"

Katherine smiled through her tears and said a yes throwing her hands around him. He lifted her saying she said Yes and laughing. The crowd laughed and cheered. Katherine would never forget this moment for the rest of the eternity.

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