Chapter 21

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As they seperated Ares grinned and said "Be my girlfriend?" Kat breathed in and leaned forward and pecked his lips. "Is that a yes?" he asked. Kat grinned cheekily and went back inside. Ares touched his lips and sighed happily before going back.

The next day was cloudy and gloomy. Kat's bad feeling intensified and she started to fidget. Rose put a hand on hers and said "It's ok Kat. If anything happens we all are there.Don't worry." Kat said "I know Rose but the bad feeling is buzzing in my skin. You know like it's going to happen anytime now..."

As she said that a black smoke erupted and a large group of Dark Council members appeared. The city erupted in chaos and the people started running. All the ten of them including Adrian and Nathaniel gathered and started forming a dome encasing them with the Dark Council members.

Kat heard a chilling laugh which she realised as Nora's and a shiver went down her spine. They started attacking and the 12 of them started retaliating. It was a mess and most of them were hurt. There were vampires, werewolves and all other sorts of corrupted.

They were unnaturally strong and the numbers were too many. Kat's group was falling slowly. Only the members containing royal power and elemental powers stayed including Nathaniel. They put up an even stronger fight. Kat from the corner of her eye saw Nora throw Ares aside and advancing towards Adrian.

Katherine was furious. That horribly corrupted ugly looking pathetic vampire threw her Ares away and was advancing towards her brother who was already tortured. The rage kept building until it erupted out. Her eyes turned a fiery red and fire Red wings sprouted from her back as her royal power flowed into her.

Her power gradually grew and she smirked. She stretched her hand towards Nora who slowly erupted in flames screaming. The smoke coming out was pitch black and it faded away until nothing was left of the evil vampire. The others looked at her in awe and immediately helped her destroy others.

The fight was over and Mia and Alia were unconscious. Nicki was bleeding profusely and others were no better. Kat turned towards others and tried to heal with her power though she was weak. She healed them before she fell into the world of darkness just as Ares caught her.

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