Chapter 12

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After the light dimmed a bit Kat saw that the two people writhing on the ground in pain. At that time Ares reached the with Alia,Aqua,Marius, Damien and another guy who looked a bit like Ares.

When Kat saw them she was gasping for air. Before anyone could do anything few people came through the trees. They wore the same clothes as the two people on the ground and started attacking the group. Everything was a blur for Kat. She stayed till the end of the fight but when Ares released her she fell into his arms in exhaustion.

Finally when she opened her eyes she saw she was on a bed in a strange room. She got up and went outside and saw all of her friends sitting outside. When they saw her they dragged her to sit. Alia asked "How are you feeling?" Kat bit her lip and said "Powerful. It's like power is seeping through my very bones."

Aqua nodded and said "Your magic unlocked early so you were exhausted. You slept for 2 days straight." Kat gaped and her mumbled "2 days . Wow " She looked at the guy who looked like Ares and he smiled and said "Hi Katherine I'm Drake Ares's older brother " . Katherine smiled at him and mumbled a hello.

Damien looked at her and said "Since you unlocked your powers you can join the M class. " She looked excited at that and nodded. Marius chimed in "If you want I can show you the library later." Katherine thanked him and everyone went to their rooms.

The next day Katherine was nervous as well as excited . She got ready and went to the forbidden corridor which was not so forbidden anymore. She met Alia and Aqua in the middle and the three of them went to class.

Her first class was magical history. She found it very interesting learning about different beings and wars. Next was elemental magic. Very few attended this class.

Apparently Elemental magic is rare in the magical realm and very few have the ability and if someone from outside the magical realm like Rosalie,Mia etc have Elemental ability they are treated as kings and Queens.

Kat luckily had the ability and joined the class. She learnt that elemental magic is harnessing magic from elements. It's gets easier with time but to start is the hardest.

She started with Fire. After about 10 tries she conjured a small flame at her fingertip. The teacher was impressed and said the earliest anyone conjured it was in 20 tries. Kat was amazed and grinned.

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