― 𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙚.

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― nine

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― nine.

"you said you'd do it by this game." dohyun hung his head in shame, unable to face his senior in the eye. wooyoung busily tied his laces, helplessly listening in with the rest of the team as the captain grilled dohyun. "what's taking so long then, huh?" 

"i can do it, i just need to get her completely alone." dohyun tried to fight his case. "no one's gotten as far as me, just give me one more day."

wooyoung suddenly exhaled loudly, catching their attention as they watched the younger boy walk past them and into the gym. their captain, kwang jiseok, ignored the boy, turning back to dohyun. a sigh escaped his lips as he nodded. "fine, you have until the end of the day." he agreed.

"what happens if he loses again?" jeonhyun questioned, catching their attention, laughing as he reminded dohyun of the bet they had made randomly during a party. 

"lipsing mrs kim," jiseok smirked, patting dohyun's shoulder. "honestly, that sounds easier to do than getting yeong inha in bed with you." jiseok joked, the rest of the seniors burst out laughing as dohyun could only roll his eyes.

"ha ha, hilarious." dohyun sarcastically commented, shrugging of jiseok's hand. "watch me make her beg."


yeosang pulled up his trousers, flushing the toilet before exiting the cubicle. "i shouldn't have had the spicy tteokbokki." he mumbled to himself, rubbing his stomach as he walked over to the sink to wash his hands. he was surprised to find a familiar face stood at the sink already, staring at him through the mirror as he approached. "it's you." he spoke to the boy first, glaring at him. 

"do you know me?" wooyoung questioned, raising a questioning eyebrow as he turned off the tap. it was the end of the school day, yeosang had popped into the bathroom before he would be joining inha for the basketball game, which he assumed wooyoung was part of since he was wearing his uniform.

"we're in the same class." yeosang reminded. wooyoung nodded in realisation, drying his hands. 

"the new boy." wooyoung remembered. "inha's friend." he pointed out.

"yeah," yeosang agreed, washing his hands. "and you're her bully." he responded, waiting for a reaction but he was surprised when wooyoung remained silent. "why are you always attacking her?" he asked the question that inha wished she could ask him. 

"because," wooyoung began, seeming hesitant to continue. "she's stupid." he finally answered, taking yeosang by surprise. he didn't expect such a reason for his rude behaviour towards inha. "it's frustrating, she's so helpless, but she doesn't even try to reach out for help." he continued, piquing yeosang's curiosity. "she's annoying." 

"what are you trying to say?" yeosang finally asked, unable to decipher wooyoung's strange answer. an awkward silence blanketed the both of them as wooyoung's expression became unreadable, making yeosang wonder what on earth was going through his mind.

"just protect her." 

yeosang wasn't able to question it any further as wooyoung disappeared out of the bathroom, hurrying out of the situation before yeosang could question him. "wait―" yeosang hurriedly dried his hands, but he was slowed down, struggling to get the paper towel out of its dispenser. "agh, seriously." he complained, quickly drying his hands before running out of the bathroom.

"finally, i thought you got flushed down the toilet or something." yeosang was surprised to find inha stood outside the bathroom waiting for him. he was busy taking a shit, the pain of his bowel movement had temporarily made him forgotten that the girl had been waiting for him. "what's wrong? you look like you're lost." she pointed out when he didn't respond to her joke.

yeosang simply smiled, shaking his head. "it's nothing," he patted her back, knowing that she still wasn't comfortable with physical touch. "come on, let's go before we're late." inha, although she wanted to pry a little bit more, decided to brush it off too, the both of them walking together as they headed towards the gymnasium.

"should we get some snacks?" inha questioned, pointing towards the snack stand that they had set up just outside. yeosang held his stomach, remembering the torture he had just put the toilet in. 

"i'll just grab some water." he agreed, the both of them walking towards the stand. 

"wah, they made it like a proper game." she commented, deciding on getting the corndog. "it's okay, i'll pay for it." she pushed away yeosang's hand when he tried to pay for his bottle. 

"why? it's only a water bottle." he argued back, trying to pay, but it was too late as inha handed over the exact change.

"exactly, it's only a water bottle." she agreed, reminding him that it truly was nothing. "let me just do something nice for once." she laughed at his pouty face, wanting to argue further, but inha ignored him, walking past him and into the gymnasium.

"wait up." yeosang whined, jogging after the girl. inha glanced over her shoulder as the boy ran over, sending him a smile. yeosang didn't know why, but he felt a fluttering feeling in his chest from that one expression. maybe it was because it was the first time he had seen such a smile on her face, or maybe it was something else, but in that moment, he had decided that he always wanted to see that type of expression on her face.

"it's about to start, come on."

tomorrow without you. ― ʏᴇᴏꜱᴀɴɢWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu