𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 XIII

Mulai dari awal

He wanted to say it out loud, but you both have just been talking for almost a year. He thought it was too early but it felt like he's known you for years already. It physically didn't work since you had just arrived from Sznezhnaya months ago, but it felt like he's known you his whole life.

Both of you were internally screaming and panicking but you were both very good at repressing your emotions as you both displayed a calm look.

"You know, I never really expected you to be up here." You looked at Zhongli.

"Huh, I'd always go to this spot whenever I needed to clear my mind." Zhongli stated

"Really now? This spot could be a good place for a picnic, we could drink your favourite tea and I'll bake sweets so we can both get fresh air and clear our minds." You delightfully suggested

Zhongli looked at you and smiled. "You look very pretty with Liyue's golden lights shining with you." He boldly stated as he took a nearby Glaze lily and gently placed it on your hair.

Your eyes widened and smiled back, you were speechless. Zhongli always complimented a lot of things, he's complimented you as a friend before but hearing those words right now made you feel different.

"I also brought something for you." You stated as you reached onto your small bag to grab a small box, you gave it to him and he thanked you as he gently opened it.

It was a beautiful Blue crystal necklace.

"I'm sorry I couldn't get you anything else, I got that from when I accidentally walked into the Cryo Hypostasis's cave. I noticed you had a thing for rocks and certain crystals so I thought I'd bring this back from my adventure." You smiled at him.

His heart was pounding, "Thank you very much, (Y/n) I'll treasure it forever." He stated.

"Would you like me to put it on you?" You asked him.

He smiled and nodded as you took the necklace and tied it onto his neck.

A faint red blush could be seen on your cheeks, you were turning red.

"I also brought you a gift, it isn't as pretty as yours but.." He took a small box from his pocket and opened it to show a beautiful Amber necklace that shimmered in the moonlight.

"It looks beautiful, Zhongli! It looks prettier than mine!" You exclaimed, you turned around as he clipped the necklace onto your neck as you thanked him.

You now both possess a resemblance of each other hanging around your necklace, Blue crystal that represents you as a Cryo vision holder and an Amber that represents Zhongli.

"Hey, they're about to release the lanterns." You pointed out as you can see the group of people raising their lanterns.

"Ah, I almost forgot." Zhongli said as he went to reach a familiar looking object from a nearby bush.

"..you remembered?"

Zhongli smiled at you as he held a unlit lantern.

"Of course I did, I am a man of contracts after all." He proudly stated.

You chuckled as you grab the marker beside it.

"Zhongli + (Y/N)" was now written on the dim lantern.

"Let's promise to really meet on our next lives and exchange, okay?" You smiled at him

"Of course, I'll be patiently waiting for you." Zhongli smiled back.

You lit the lantern as you and Zhongli held it and let it go to see it soar along with the other lanterns that beautifully decorated the dark blue hue in the sky.

You and Zhongli watched in awe as the thousands of lanterns replaced the stars with It's own unique glow.

You were starting to feel a little sleepy as you unconsciously tilt your head and eventually laid your head on Zhongli's shoulder and closed your eyes.

"You're very warm." You stated in drowsiness.

Zhongli gently tilted his head to you as his cheek made contact with your head.


"I've been having these dreams or hallucinations where I seemed to look like a goddess of some sort in a field of Glaze lilies accompanied by a man with golden horns." You unconsciously stated.

Zhongli's eyes widened.

"(Y/N), could you describe this man if possible?" Zhongli requested.

"Hmm, he wore some sort of hood and had faint orange hues on the tips of his hair. Every time I dream about it, I was always cuddled or laying on his lap. He kept telling me he loved me and it felt like I wasn't the one talking, my mouth just moved by itself and replied that I love him back."You giggled.

Zhongli was frozen. It can't be, It's impossible.

"If I remember correctly, I think he also had your Geo vision, he also kept repeatedly gifting me Glaze lilies in my dreams." You stated as you opened your eyes.

"..Zhongli?" You lifted your head to see his glossy eyes staring in a distance.

It was you.

You were the one he was looking for his whole life.

You were his dearest lover.

Zhongli blinked as each blink was a memory of you and him except now, he was able to tell your face. It was you.

You were the woman he first set his eyes on, the first woman he fell in love with, you were his dearest that would lay on his lap under the Cherry trees.

You were his lost goddess.

"Zhongli, are you okay? Did I say something bad?"

He shot up to see you knelt in front of him, his cheeks turned a faint hue of red.

"No, It's just that the light were a bit much for the liking of my eyes pardon me." Zhongli said as he wiped the tear gloss on his eyes and smiled back at you.

You smiled back at him.

There it is, he remembered. The same smile you gave him thousands of years ago when he'd kiss your forehead, the same smile you'd give him when you stood up from resting on his lap, the same smile you gave him before you took your last breath as his goddess before you perished during the Archon war.

The curse was lifted, he remembered you.

The only problem is; you don't remember him.

He looked to the side of his shoulder to see you resting on it. What should he do? How does he get you to remember him again?

Hours had passed and you soon fell asleep on his shoulder; this made him chuckle.

He lifted you onto his back as he carried you himself back to Wangshu Inn.

Qiqi was waiting for you in your room to arrive safely and once she saw you on Zhongli's back, she almost attacked the poor old man but got the hint. Zhongli stayed out the room for a moment as Qiqi dressed you to your night clothes so you could sleep properly.

Once she was finished, she stepped out the room to give Zhongli some privacy.

"Hello, my dearest." He smiled at your sleeping figure as he softly stroked your head removing any hair covering your face.

"Your beauty remained the same as it was when I've encountered you." Zhongli whispered as he sat up from the bed fixing himself.

"Good night." He whispered as he kissed your forehead before taking his leave.

Zhongli smiled at himself as he walked down the stairs of Wangshu Inn he's finally got you.

𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐤𝐞𝐭 | 𝐙𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐢 Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang