Newtmas goes Fanon (and hopefully canon)

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Silence. It was all I've heard for the last 48 hours. Well, and Scarlett's sobs. So I guess it wasn't silence. Honestly, I'd prefer silence. I didn't know Pearl that well, but she'd made me laugh when it didn't feel possible. And she was so young. She didn't deserve to die. Ava Paige did. It was so unfair, I wanted to scream. "Almost there." Roxxy said, an unreadable expression on her face. She still hadn't cried.

"Yeah." I responded, not sure where the conversation was going. Or if it could even be called a conversation. We still had a huge body of water to cross, maybe 5 miles. According to the rest of the world, the island was a place to put cranks when they were past gone. According to WICKED, it was a hail mary. The last possible plan they had, the last thing they wanted to use. A place to keep the immune alive. A chance to restart humanity. Now we were going there, and I could see Thomas again. Even if he was dating someone new, and wanted nothing to do with me, I could see him again. And Minho. Last time I saw him, I was a crank losing my mind. Now, I was a human losing my mind. But a human is better than a crank every time. "Do we have a plan?" I asked, not wanting to hear the answer. She shook her head, not bothering to make eye contact. Or show any emotion. I kept my eyes on the road, and let the minutes slip by. I went into a trance, looking for any sign of movement. Earlier, I had seen two cranks. Both times, I drove faster and prayed they hadn't followed. Now, I'm not sure what I'd do. The cement path I'd been driving down was coming to an end, and the dirt took over. The ocean was so close, without even opening the windows I knew that the salty air was surrounding us. Thoughts raced through my head, most of them consist of the gladers. What would the island look like? I bet they made it. I tried to tamper down my excitement, because there's still a chance they didn't make it. Cars were scattered throughout the road, much more the closer we got to the beach. Three trucks had smashed into each other, blocking off the route I'd planned on taking. Just while I was starting to back up, I heard a loud crunch. And a growl. "Bloody hell." I muttered. I kept backing up, but the thing I saw in the back made me forget to breathe.

This was the worst crank I've ever seen. How was it still alive? Both eyes had fallen out, and a bloody stub where the nose was supposed to be. There was no way to tell it's gender, age, or even skin tone at this point. It was all a sickening grey, with places where there was just no skin. The bone had been sticking out for so long, it had turned brownish. It let out a slow moan, like it was too tired to sound menacing. "Holy shit!" Roxxy shouted. One of the only things she'd said since Pearl died. Before she'd always said 'shuck'. Then again, Pearl said- used to say shuck. It didn't really matter what she had shouted, because it still attracted the attention of the crank. Although, I guess me running it over didn't help. It started to stagger towards us, and pressed down on the gas pedal. Nothing. I tried to start it again, but it wouldn't budge. The one time we need it to work, it doesn't.

"The stupid truck won't start!" I said, wondering if either of them could help me. Roxxy seems unstable, and probably doesn't care about the car. Scarlett has been crying the entire trip, and by day two, I gave up trying to make her feel better. She was just going to have to mourn for a while. It's natural, eventually she'll move on. The memories will bring a smile to her face instead of a frown.

"Give me two minutes." Roxxy said, startling me. She had pulled out and loaded the gun, and a mask tightly hugged her face. Before I could stop her, she was already outside. She aimed the gun straight at the cranks head, and without hesitation, pulled the trigger. A boom rang throughout the beach, and the crank collapsed on the ground. It started twitching, and desperately clawed at Roxxy's feet. She kicked it's head, and watched as it went limp. As if she didn't trust it to fully be dead, she shot it again. "Come on. The car is busted, and we're almost there. I'm going to find a boat, stay here." She hollered. Scarlett started to wail again, either for Pearl, the dead crank- who used to be like me- or for Roxxy. Roxxy looked like a statue, a look of indifference balancing on her face. I grabbed the pink and beige bag, and Scarlett grabbed the other.

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