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"Dude back off, Clay's gonna kill you," George laughs, flicking Nick in the head. Nick looks back at Clay, who was glaring coldly.


TW: Strong language

Clay scoffed quietly and looked away. Nick looked around confused and hurt.
"Dude did I do something?" He whispered to George, just barely audible for me to hear.
"Clay's just being protective of his woman," George replied in a low voice. Nick made an O with his mouth and nodded slowly.
"Dude you could've just told me," he chuckled, playfully punching Clay's shoulder.
Clay just nodded and put up a weak smile.

I padded over to his side and leaned on his shoulder.
"You don't need to get so hostile with your friends because of me, I won't go any where," I mumble, feeling Clay's arm wrap around my waist.
He nods wordlessly.

"Can you guys go fuck somewhere else?" Nick complained, "It's getting a bit too lovey-dovey."
Clay let out a sputtering cough and began laughing.
"WHAT?" he laughed, holding me.
My ears went hot and I covered my face with my hands.

"You heard Nick," George deadpans, rolling his eyes.
We find Clay's car and hop on, placing Nick's luggage in the trunk.
Slipping in on the passenger seat, I fumbled with the wires and found the aux cord.
I get the aux cord and plug it in my phone.
"Dude, she's getting the DJ privilege too?" Nick groans.
I let out a small giggle.
"He treats Y/N like his own queen, we can't do anything about that," George laughs.


"Oh, Sam wants to see me," I mumble, looking through my phone.
"Who?" Clay asks, looking over from the road.
"Eyes on the road, mister." I chuckle, "Samantha-- my new friend."
He gives me a funny look and turns back to face the road.
"I know a Samantha, too." He grunts.
"I mean- Samantha isn't a rare name," I deadpan, shrugging.
"True, true,"

"We're getting salmon?" Nick groans, waking up from his nap.
"How'd you get salmon from Samantha?" I ask, giggling.
"So are we getting salmon or not?"
"I mean, why not? Let's stop by the store," I suggest.

Nick does a little cheer and shakes George awake.
"We're getting Saman- Salmon!" he cheers.
"Getting the what?" George grunts.
"Salmon," Clay chuckles.

So r we meeting?

Yeah sure


Okay c u tmrrw @ 2 pm 😖

Mocha cafe don't forget!!!


I let out a chuckle and slip my phone in my jean pocket.
"Do you guys want anything else?" I ask, rolling the cart.
"Can we get takis, mom?" Nick asks with his puppy eyes.
"Takis? Can we get Lays too?" George asks.
I sigh and giggle. "You guys are so childish. Yes."
They both cheer and dash off to the snack section, getting scolded by a worker.

"They're a handful, aren't they?" Clay asks, nuzzling my neck.
"Yeah, a good handful though. They're nice," I comment.

"Mom we're back!" Nick jokes, stuffing two bags of Takis and a party-size Lays in the cart.
I laugh and roll the cart as I retrieve some lettuce, tomatoes, and potatoes in the cart before heading to the cashiers.
"Dad you'll pay for us, right?" Nick asks.
"What the fuck? Don't call me that-" He says, choking on nothing.
"So will you?"
"Yeah, pay for us."
"What? No."
"You're a fucking millionaire," Nick scoffs.

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