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I heard Clay whisper something to George which I didn't catch, and soon I felt two muscular arms pick me up. I was being carried bridal style. Clay was looking at me, worried.
I dug my face into his hoodie, trying to avoid eye contact.


TW: Self-hate, strong language, panic/anxiety attack, blood, nausea/vomitting, eating disorder

(Clay POV)

"Can you go get pads or whatever for Y/N?" I whisper to George. Y/N was looking away, I could tell she was upset and on the verge of tears.
George nodded before rushing away.

I lifted Y/N easily. It was crazy how light she was. She nuzzled her face into my hoodie and I melted right there.
She was adorable.

I set her down on my bed and stroked her head, holding her body in mine.

"....ained your...." she whispered, almost crying. "...rry.."

"I- I didn't quite catch that," I said softly, trying to comfort her.

"...I stained you bed, I'm sorry," she breathed out, I almost missed it.

"It's okay." I murmur, hugging her from behind.
She began crying after that. It shattered my heart to pieces to see her cry. Her sobs were heartbreaking, and it was ever so rare to see Y/N cry.
I gently lifyed her, placing her in my arms then started rubbing her back.
"It's alright, I'm not mad. It's just a natural happening, I can always wash it." I cooed, living the moment.

I know this is weird- but, I couldn't help but smile at the fact that she was all huddled up comfortably in my arms. Her sobs had died down and she was looking up at me with teary eyes.

"I'm sorry," she apologized again, looking away.
"Don't be." I responded, stroking her head. I hugged her more tightly when she began to cry again.
She was just too precious.

(George POV)

I'd bought a variety of pads before heading back to Clay's, when I spotted someone waiting outside Y/N's doors.

It was crazy enough that the two lived beside each other, anyone could tell the two were made for each other.
Soulmates, in my opinion.
They just had to figure it out.

I walked over to the boy waiting anxiously at Y/N's house.
"Hi~?" I called, tapping his shoulder.

"Um. Hi?"

"Are you waiting for Y/N?" I asked, smiling.
"Yeah, actually. I'm Cade, her friend."

"Oh she's over at Clay's. You can come over if you'd like," I offered, an idea popping in my head.

"Oh, Clay? I swear Y/N likes him but she keeps claiming that she's aromantic," Cade giggled, flashing me a knowing look.

I returned one as well.

"Operation Soulmate!" I laughed, hauling Cade over to Clay's.


I heard Y/N muffled sobbing from upstairs. Cade widened his eyes.
"Why's she crying?" He asked, glaring upstairs.

"No idea. She's on her you-know-what. So probably mood swings but I don't know for sure." I reply.

Cade relaxed, "Oh. I thought Clay made her cry,"

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