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[20 August]

THE GAMES ROOM WAS a vast dark room in the lower section of the house, near the gym. The only game there, however, was Snooker, and the Snooker pool stood in the back of the room, under the fluorescent beam of the only light that lived in the space. I adored the Games Room because it was a calm space; from time to time, I had even gone there with a novel and sat on one of the beanbags, in ethereal peace that chilled yet soothed my soul.

Today, I was headed there because everyone else was going there, and on that cool, beautified evening, I felt I didn't want to be alone – I'd spent the day by my absolute self in the gym, splayed over an exercise ball with a new novel, because I had been told Carlos was out delivering. On my way down, I heard this moving anticipation; I heard these loud, cheerful voices and cavernous laughter climbing up the passage walls that led down to the Games Room, and one of Andes' trap playlists was there too, ringing under the joy.

Momentarily looking up from my phone, I slowed down before I could see the ones already down there. They laughed again, and someone – one high Sam, I thought – howled on the top of their lungs, "HE'S FUCKING UNTOUCHABLE!"


"BUT HE'S FUCKING ALIVE," someone – Sam again – howled while chuckling, "AND HE WAS LAUGHING HIS ASS OFF... LOOK, LOOK. YOU SAW IT YOURSELF..."

There was more laughter again, more enjoyment, but I could just feel Monique rolling her eyes and pouting at whatever it is they were talking about. I only put my phone away when I was moseying from the last step that piloted to the fuzzy deep red matting of the Games Room. Not everyone was there; only Monique, Hailey, Yasmin, Sam and Chang were there, standing around the snooker pool with their laughter ricocheting off the walls, alongside the loud, ear-splitting music. Through glimpsing me, they bustled to put away their phones, and the laughs eased to leave only the music playing.

Instantaneously, I made my way towards the Snooker table, towards them, and they watched me. They watched me like hawks, while the room was turning a little darker than it had been seconds before. The music turned down a notch. I was greeted by everyone at their own time. And they kept looking at me, even after I had come to relax between Hailey and Sam. I peered at them; they peered at me. I had to inquire, "What?"

They mumbled, "nothing."

The moment I was about to inquire again, I heard people, Andes and Carlos, clamber on down into the room. I never looked to see Carlos enter rooms anymore; I felt it was the only way to keep from jumping at him with unkindness, or with yearning. The others greeted them also, and the two of them mumbled 'yo' in unison. I only looked when they were settled, both standing right across from me, in matching black tank tops.

The eyes were now on them. But the two of them remained poker-faced. They did it very well.

After a moment, Andes took up a snooker stick and said he wanted to play any challenger. Hailey challenged first. She took up another stick, and the rest of us backed away from the pool and rested on sofas and beanbags. I rested on a beanbag next to Yasmin.

Before starting, the contenders kissed, then Hailey slurred, "I'mma whip your ass, baby."

Andes smirked at her and checked her out as she strolled around the table. "Keep dreaming, baby," he slurred back.

They started the game while murmurs carried through the room. Yasmin murmured to me about her favourite board games. The game progressed, and Yasmin fell quiet. It was sudden when I murmured the question to her: "What happened?"

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