Rendered speechless by her statement, I gave a small shrug and focused on moving. And just then, the heel of my boot began sinking deep into the grass. Until I looked down and realised the heel had just broken off.


My company slowed down and joined me in looking at my problem. It was so quick, too quick, how Carlos came up with a solution; he stood in front of me, his back facing me, and crouched down, telling me to jump on. No, I wasn't compromising what I thought to be my dignity. I had come a long way in manufacturing it. "No," I muttered to the love of my life matter-of-factly, "that's crazy."

"Oh please, Niraaj," – Hailey just had to open her dirty mouth - "we both know his back isn't the craziest thing you'll be riding."

Carlos was still waiting on the ground patiently, but now laughing and nodding his head. Hmm, that fool. I think he just loved every shameless implication about us that was shoved his way. The nigga always bobbed his head at them. Sometimes, he'd even add on; he'd twist our morality so well with his words. He was wise not to add today; as a replacement for adding, he only got up and stopped laughing when he glimpsed me crossing my arms like the reserved girl I was, then he faced me head on and held out his hand. "Should I give you my shoes instead?" he murmured. "Then I ride on your back..."

Even more compromising!

I shook my head with my face scrunching up, and Carlos copied my expression, sardonically though, and took my hand. He tugged me into him, hard. Then towed me till I was in his arms like a bride. The nigga worked some real miracles; he juggled me in his arms, all until a point where I was on his back. Sitting on his damn back!

He started walking, as did Hailey. Both not listening to my demanding put me downs. Soon enough, I was quiet and hugging his neck calmly. I guess his back wasn't so bad. He was a pretty good ride.

So anyway, Hailey guided Carlos and me to the edge of this prodigious courtyard. She slowed down with us and faced us, still having a grin on her face, and she bowed theatrically. When she was up again, she gave a laugh and said, "See y'all tonight, ye?"

"What's happening tonight?" Carlos inquired.

I told him, "Campus party." Then I looked at Hailey and said, "No, you aren't seeing us tonight."

The suddenly chuckling Hailey swivelled and started away, and Carlos and I watched her walk down the lush grass we had just moseyed over while shaking our heads a bit. Through seeing a bunch of young men walk up to her with rolls of money inscribing their pockets, Carlos turned and told me to never ever think about being banged by a gang, and to always pray that I never found myself in that situation. I giggled, innocently. And he strolled into the car park, now chattering with me about where we were going. The bank.

The drive was not long, since the bank was in the vicinity of Hailey's campus. After telling her about our deposition, she had expressed of her undying love and undying respect for that establishment. So, we loved it even more.

Today, after having decided it being better to come in the flesh, we were coming to purchase some money for a date at a fancy restaurant. Good thing I had left a pair of my sneakers in his car a few days before. Across the green tiles we went, and to the pale lady we had gone to last time we went. She smiled at us genuinely behind her mask; I think she remembered our eyes.

"Afternoon," she said freely. "How may I help you?"

"We'd like to purchase some of our cash money," Carlos said.

The lady nodded then peered at her fancy computer. Carlos and I looked at each other and grinned. We may have been excited that time too. As the lady was going to the back after making us undergo a few procedures, we eyed each other again. There was a loud beep from my pocket. I wasn't familiar with this beep. I pulled out my two phones and checked the retro one, and there was a message. The phone beeped a few more times. Messages flocked in. I covered my mouth to not scream. Carlos asked me what. I told him nothing while opening the messages. They made me exhilarated, and relieved.

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