An Oompa Loompa for a Lawyer

Start from the beginning

     I lean in towards Will and mutter. "How are we playing this?"

     He's stiff as a board beside me and only getting more uneasy the longer we stand here. We're trapped on the front steps, the only way forward clogged by people looking for the inside scoop on the elusive genuis that evaded interviews and explanations for ten years.

     Their voices are loud and abrassive, all clamboring to be heard over each other and be the one to have their questions answered.

     Will still hasn't answered me by the time one confidant blond with a camera on her shoulder advances a step to get in our faces and give us no choice but to talk to her.

     "For the last month, the world has believed you to be a murderer facing a life sentence away from your new family and the empire you spent over half of your life building. What do you have to say to the people who were sure you had done it?"

     Will shifts, incredibly uncomfortable at the attention on him. He swallows and clasps his hands together before him. "Well...I say 'A bird in the hand is worth two in the foot.'"

     What was that nonsense? I glance up at him. He's panicking. And for some reason, I'm not. Maybe I'm just riding the high of getting my husband back...but maybe, just maybe, I've grown more confidant since having reunited with Will. That fire in me has a purpose now and is being stoked everyday by family and friends.

     I lace my arm through Will's and give him an encouraging squeeze. Then I look back to the reporter and lean closer to her microphone. "What I believe my husband means to say is-"

     "I'll be getting to you shortly, Mrs. Wonka," she interrupts. "Believe me, everyone is dying to hear how this little matrimony happened, but first, we want an explanation from the man himself. He owes the people an explanation!"

     She half turns to the reporters and photographers behind her for their support, and to my chagrin, they all cheer in agreeance. What kind of sickos would push Will like this when they can clearly see he doesn't like the attention.

     The blond woman steps in front of me, somewhat nudging me aside to get to Will before pressing, "Tell us, Mr. Wonka-"

     "First of all," I begin in a loud voice as I reach out and push her back out of Will's face, "I don't enjoy being dismissed. Second, he doesn't owe you a thing."

     Will shoots me a what-are-you-doing glance, but I just squeeze his arm again and nod subtly. I've got this. For some reason, it's easier to speak up and be defensive when I'm not the target.

     The woman focuses the camera on me now before I continue. "William Wonka is just a man. A man who brings joy and creativity and laughter to the world but a man nonetheless. He is not infallible, and he has feelings just like you and me. Sometimes he makes mistakes, but this was not one of those times. He was wrongfully accused of murder and the world believed him to be a liar and a criminal all because of one greedy man who wanted unwarrented compensation for something he thought belonged to him. See, the truth is, when Will started the competition all those months ago, he was searching for an heir, someone to share his factory with. As it would turn out, he got a little more than he bargained for."

     I pause to smile at Will. He returns it, and I can feel his body relax beside me. I quirk an eyebrow, asking for permission to finally announce what we've been discussing for a while. He nods slightly, and I turn back to the woman with the camera.

     "The reason Will went looking for an heir amongst his greatest fans, children, instead of an apprentice already in the candy-making business is because of the light and creativity that children can offer. Now, despite all the hiccups we went through during the initial tour, it brought so much excitement and joy to the world that we have decided to host a second tour of the factory."

      I pause as there's a loud uproar from the crowd of reporters before us. That was to be expected. Another tour, another chance to see the incredibly mysterious chocolate factory. I wait for the noise to die down as they get out all the chatter and then refocus on Will and I, hungry for an explanation.

     "Especially given the recent allegations, we thought it would be a good idea to bring some transparency to the magic that goes on inside our walls. Of course, the stakes won't be as high this time around, the participants won't be competing for the inheritence of the factory. Will still won't be disclosing the methods behind our more exclusive and poducts still in the developmental stages, and there will be a few rules this time." I look to Will again, and he nods, approving everything I'm saying. I wait a little longer to see if he wants to jump in and explain the short list of rules we rough drafted before all this murder business started. He doesn't speak, so I continue. "There will again be five golden tickets hidden in various Wonka products. There are no repeat winners allowed though, the children who've already visited the factory are not allowed to return for the second tour. The finders of the tickets must also show proof of purchase to verify that the ticket does in fact, belong to them. In order to prevent greedy visitors and a repeat of these false allegations, we will be writing up and implementing a contract to be signed upon entry to the factory. We will be guaranteeing the safety of our guests as well as numerous exclusive prizes to keep the competition interesting. Now, having said all that, I believe the first ticket has already been shipped and delivered. Let the games begin!"

     The reporters go crazy again, this time dispersing as they chatter excitedly. No one seems to be all that interested in getting more out of us now, and they don't try to stop us as Will and I take advantage of the chaos and slip away to the elevator waiting just around the corner. Even the woman in blond that had been so set on getting Will's lifestory is rushing to the street to buy a Wonka bar.

    I smile and look up at Will as we step into the glass elevator. He smiles back down at me before pulling me close and resting his chin on my head. I can feel his warm breath tousling my hair as his hands clasp behind me, joining me to him.

     "I didn't know you could read minds," he murmurs as the elevator takes off and heads for home.

     I giggle. "Only yours."

     He chuckles, but draws back to cup my chin lightly. "Joking aside, thank you. You managed to remember and vocalize everything I want for our factory. I really don't know what I'd do without you."

     "Yeah, turns out, I'm not that bad talking to people when they're not spitting on me for being poor or jealous over me drawing the beautiful lavender eyes of the richest chocolatier in the world."

     "Oh, you wanna talk about beautiful? Let's start with the way you destroyed that woman," Will responds, running his fingers through my hair.

     I laugh again, tossing my head back. "She deserved it."

     He nods his agreeance, smiling softly at me. "And you deserve to be happy like this for the rest of your life. The world deserves happiness."

     "And that's why we're doing a second tour. We are going to make the world high on happiness," I whisper as Will dips his head to bring his lips to mine.

     "High on happiness," he echoes, closing the gap between us.

I'm sorry this chapter took so long, I've been dealing with a lot, but I hope you enjoyed it! Thank you so much for all the love this story has been recieving, I appreciate every single one of you!
xoxo, Tilly

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2021 ⏰

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