Prologue 1.1

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He claws through the veil, a dark, black abyss moving throughout realities.

He was not there on purpose, for he had no choice, when faced with death or escape, he chose escape.

Searching for a new place to call home, the shadow slithered, searching.

He searched for a human he could tether too, one more broken would be easier.

His sight was overtaken by a planet, one that reeled him in.

There, Shadow had found his host.


The boy sat in the corner, wearing an orange jumpsuit. His head was leaned against his knees, trying to be as far away from the corpse in the room.

The corpse there was the warden, he was dead due to the fork stabbed on his neck. The boy had blood on his hands, literally and figuratively.

As the blood seeped out of the wound, and onto the floor, someone could be seen in the reflection.

The view of the world began shifting as it went through the puddle of blood. A red tinted world is now shown, with a creature standing over the crying boy.

It is the same Veil creature seen before, but this time seeming more human. It slowly kneeled down, so it's head was level with the boy's.

"Are you alright?"

The boy's head lifted up, and looked around. He saw no one there.

The creature was slightly confused, before turning to look at the puddle, seeing the real world.

It understood now.

"W-Who are you?" The boy said, fear lacing his voice.

"A friend... I can help you escape this horrendous place, but there is something you will need to do first..."

The demon said, whispering to the the boy. He nodded, understanding now.

He reached over to the warden's corpse. And grabbed the gun from his holster. Listening to the demon's voice, he pulled back the hammer and stuck the barrel in his mouth.

A shot rang out a moment later.

The boy's arm fell limp, and the gun tumbled onto the ground. His motionless body began excreting blood out of his mouth.

The Demon smiled, and infiltrated the boy.

After a moment, the blood began receding back into the boys mouth.

Then his finger twitched.


Jack was lifted upwards by his waist, his eyes stilled glossed over, but his blood had been retracted back into his body.

The shadows of the room, seemed to grow, as the lightbulbs above flickered.

The shadows moved towards the cell, shifting into tentacles and swirling around Jack's body.

His entire body was engulfed in darkness, beginning the transformation. Then the darkness settled, and Jack's body was transformed.

His body was larger and more muscular, his skin turned to an asphalt black. His hands grew in size, as claws extended from the edges.

His head began changing, his eyes turning from brown to blood red, with no iris or pupils. His head attempted to transform, but a tether was needed to keep from Shadow fully taking over.

Smoke emitted from their head, which faded off into nothing.

Jack was no longer in control, now... Shadow was.

Me and my demon. (Multiverse fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now