Chapter 45|| the after mark

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Yumemi pov•

I walked along a small pathway , there was a light breeze in the air and the autumn leaves swished slightly around my feet.

Yns brown fluffy jacket was hugging my body , sheltering me from the small bit of wind.

My hair was in a slightly messy pony tail, and my boots newly cleaned.

I was getting close to the black gate now , the flowers I held clutched tightly in one hand and my bag over my shoulder.

I got to the black gate and pushed it open. I walked past A few other stones untill I got hers.

I stared down at Yn saotomes grave , tears brimming my eyes. It had already been a year and I missed her more and more each day.

I sat down next to the grave stone.

"Hey dear , me again " I muttered. I know it's sad talking to the grave , but it's seemed to be my only way of coping.

"I got you some pretty flowers , I noticed your old ones were dying last weekend. " I gently took the old flowers out and replaced them with the white roses , with the usual lily from the field in the middle.

"I miss you , a lot..ais coming to see you for the first time , ririkas going to bring her when she comes to see Mary. " I mumbled.

"Ririka lives with me now you know , she took in ai and I wanted to help her look after ai. "

"OH BUT!" I said excitedly as I rummaged in my bag , I piled out a small photo frame. "Look how cute ai looks in her nursery uniform ! I couldn't be more proud of her!" I was smiling now.

"You should see how much she looks like you

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"You should see how much she looks like you. She acts like you sometimes aswell , what an attitude she has!" I laughed.

The laugher quickly died.

"I wish you never left dear... it's been ever so lonely with out you. Sayaka seems to be moving on , but what surprised me was Kiraris reaction. I think she blames herself you know. I do wish she wouldn't , as I know that isn't what you would want. " I sighed and rested my chin on my knees.

"Well I say sayakas ''moved on' but she's always going to blame herself. I think she knew deep down she loved you , but she just never knew how to tell you. She's back to being the presidents chair sniffer -"

"-you can say that again!" I hard a soft giggle from behind me.

"Riri! Ai!" I smiled at them. Ai ran over to me and jumped at me. I smiled and let her sit in my lap.

"This is Yn?" Ai asked as she lightly poked the grave.

"Yes it is , and over there were Aunty riris gone is Mary" I said gesturing over to the grave next to us we're Ririka was putting some red tulips down.

"I miss Yn , why did she go ?" Ai looked slightly upset.

"She wasn't happy sweetie , she missed her sister far to much " I smiled sadly at the child.

"One day you can see her again! And you can see Mary Aunty riri!" Ai smiled at us both.

"Indeed we can , not for a long time though. " I sighed.

"But we will. " Ririka smiled at me. "We will see them. "

I nodded and blocked back my tears.

Ai jumped off my lap and I stood up , I took her hand and walked over to Ririka.

"Alright , let's head home , next week you can choose the flowers for them okay Ai?" I offered the small girl.

"Okie!!" She smiled happily.

"BYEBYE Yn byebye Mary!!" She gave both the graves a big wave.

"Bye bye love !" I kissed my hand and placed it lightly ontop of yns grave.

I picked Ai up and Watched Ririka kiss the top of Mary's grave.

"Let's go make dinner. " Ririka took my hand and we headed home , I will be forever greatful I found a friend atlast.

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~the end~

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~the end~

An: well that was it everyone ! Let me know if you have any ideas for my next book and thank you for reading<3

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