Chapter 32

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"Hm?oh yeah sure what's up?" I asked her , watching her eyes dart to either side to make sure we were alone.

"Um- you and sayaka , you aren't like dating are you ?" She asked me , looking confused.

"Well she came to see me in hospital and stuff and like she said she loved me ...and she asked me out so yeah... why..?" I tilted my head in slight confusion.

"Oh shit , you aren't gonna like this but like Kirari and sayaka have been hooking up. " Yumemi looked generally shocked.

I sighed , I kinda expected it to be honest. "Well , wanna see if they are hooking up now ?" Yumemi asked me , stopping in her tracks and turning to walk back the way we came.

"Yeah alright. " I followed her back down the corridor.

I put my ear up against the door. Almost silence.

"Is it locked ?" I mouthed to yumemi.

She nodded but rummaged in her pocket and passed me a key.

I nodded in thanks and very quickly unlocked the door and opened it.

And sure enough , sayaka and Kirari locked in each others arms.

I walked straight past them and to my bad that was still on my chair.

"Yn-?!" Sayaka pulled away from the older girl quickly.

"Hm? Oh sorry I didn't mean to be a bother I just needed to get my bag. " I nodded in a fake apologetic manor.

"I can explain ..!" Sayaka looked panicked.

"Don't. " I held my hand up to her signalling for her to stop talking.

"I hope you understand that we will never be the same again?" I raised a eye brow at the purple eyed bitch.

"Huh..?" She looked confused.

"We will never be the same again love. " I smiled at her. "This is all your fault. I should have known. "


"I don't want to hear it Mkay?" I gave her a dirty look, then turned around and left the room.

Yumemi stuck her tongue out at them from the door way , the way a child would , and turned to rush after me.

𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒔 𝒑𝒆𝒕// sayaka x fem readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن