Part 23: Final Chapter

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    I look in the mirror and adjust my tie. I can't stop fidgeting with my suit's blazer, letting the thoughts reach my head.

    Two hours from now, Adora will be sitting before a judge, putting her fate in their hands.

    It'll be the first time I'll see her in nearly two weeks. It doesn't seem like a long time, but it's absolutely excruciating when she's been the only person with me for the past four weeks.

    I never thought I would have to see her under the control of someone other than herself, ready to give up at any moment.

    I hear a car honk in the driveway and lift up my bedroom blinds. I see Noah's car and a nauseous feeling stirs in my stomach.

    This is it.

    I walk downstairs and put on my formal shoes. I see Noah waving at me through the windshield when I get out the front door, a solemn expression on his face.

    I get in the car and see him wearing a formal suit like me. "I'm not ready," he says in a half-whisper.

    "I don't think either of us will ever be ready," I say and pat his shoulder. "It's now or never." I choke back a sniffle and we pull out the driveway, dreading the inevitable.


Gail (attorney) POV


    I'm in the courthouse already, going over the details of the case. I did some asking around and managed to bring a new piece of evidence into the case. Evidence of the abusive relationship between Noah Green and the victim.

    Evidence of the victim's fingerprints and DNA on the gun found at the scene, as well. We have to hope and pray the judge will think this material is enough to rule this as self-defense, as well as believe that Adora didn't do it.

    I've failed to help a client reach a ruling of innocence and I swear that will not happen again. This girl will not go to jail or receive any kind of punishment for something she didn't do as long as I'm here.

    A timer goes off on my phone.

    One hour until the trial begins.

    I go to sort out last minute questions and preparations, trying to ready myself mentally.




    We pull up in front of the courthouse and a sinking feeling hits my gut. The car is turned off and we get out, walking towards the front steps. I can't stop the nerves, it's like the world around me is shrouded into complete silence.

    Noah talks to some people once we get inside the courthouse. I automatically follow him into the courtroom, intimidated by the place. Rows of chairs for the audience and a f*cking camera crew.

    It takes everything in my power to walk past them without acknowledgement and we sit down. My leg bounces uncontrollably and my breathing picks up.

    I check my phone quickly and see the time.

    45 minutes until the trial.


Noah POV


    Seconds are passing like hours, and seeing the judge table in front of me isn't helping one bit. I look back and see Ray on his phone, likely scrolling through the national news of the story.

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