Part 21: Out of Place

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I hear a car horn honk in my driveway and rush down the stairs, grabbing my backpack. My shoes are already on and tied. I yell to my dad that I'm leaving, as if he cares, and run out to the passenger side of the car.

"Good morning, Ray," I hear when I get in the car. I look over to the driver's seat and see Noah wearing an oversized gray hoodie, waving at me with a slight smile. "You can put your stuff in the back."

I haul my bag to the backseat and buckle my seatbelt. I hear him switch gears into reverse and he starts backing out. "Thanks for picking me up," I say.

"No problem. Kind of overkill for your dad to ban you from driving." I sigh and roll my eyes, resting my arm on the window.

"Tell me about it." I fidget with my pants and take a deep breath. "So... any updates on Adora?"

It's been a week since Noah and I first met each other. He found out I've been walking to school and offered to drive me, which I gratefully accepted. We haven't spoken much about Adora since I went to his house.

"Still haven't heard anything. All I know is they're keeping her under investigation, and I think she's being held in a cell meant for mentally-unstable prisoners."

"She's not mentally unstable!" I exclaim. "She must be going insane there."

Noah signals for a right turn and slows down, looking both ways. "They won't even give me a chance to talk to them. I'm learning all of this through e-mail."

I pinch the bridge of my nose in an effort to stabilize my mood. "This doesn't make any sense. The sixth amendment should grant her the right to a speedy trial, it's like they're stalling just to spite her."

"It's only been a week, though."

"I feel like they should've set the date by now at the very least."

"Just be patient, the more agitated we get with them, the worse it'll be." As much as I hate to admit it, he's right.

The school appears behind the trees and Noah turns into the parking lot. He finds a spot while I grab my bag and pull it to the front.

"Let's go." He unbuckles his seatbelt and we get out of the car, checking that the doors are locked.

As soon as we step onto the pavement, we can feel everyone's eyes on us. I see Noah send a glare to everyone around us, making everyone look away.


Adora POV


I've been sitting on the floor gazing through the cell window for an hour now. My eyes are locked on a cop that's been pacing up and down the hallway. She comes back towards me, making me pound on the door.

"Excuse me!" I yell out, grabbing her attention. She subtly rolls her eyes and walks towards me.

"No, you can't shower," she says in a snarky, entitled tone.

"That's not what I was going to ask," I growl, staring her right in the eye.

"What do you want?" Her hands rest on her hips and she shifts her weight onto one leg.

"When can I see my brother?" I ask in a polite tone, trying to persuade her.

"You're not allowed any visitors."

"Then can I at least know when my trial is?"

"We have 't scheduled it yet."

"You guys are garbage at your jobs," I mutter under my breath. "This should be easy, schedule the trial and we can get things over with."

"We're already working on it," she explains without care. "It's gonna be aired on national television."

"Excuse me?! I didn't consent to that!" I yell. She subtly flinches and puts a hand in her front pocket.

"Your case is already national, it's only fair." She walks away before I manage to get another word in.

My trial will be available for millions of people. These people really have something against me, don't they?

That means Ray will be watching my trial. He'll watch as I try my best not to cry while the camera is zoomed in on me.

Just kill me, please.




I wave goodbye to the car as it backs out of my driveway and unlock the front door. I'm greeted by absolutely no one when I walk in. Looks like dad is still at work.

I suppose I can work on my homework... or make food... or just sleep. I have no motivation to do anything.

These days, just existing has been horrible to me. I walk into my bedroom and drop my backpack beside my door. As soon as my door closes, I plop down onto my bed and stare at the ceiling.

My imagination wanders in the midst of the silence. Imagine if Adora was right next to me, resting her head on my chest. If she was asleep knowing that only I am there to protect her from the world in her slumber.

Memories of her question replay in my thoughts.

Can I be yours?

That husky whisper sent tingles down my spine.

Can I be yours?

The sweet words were music to my ears, making my heart jump.

Can I be yours?

Her hooded eyes when she said that, glimmering with anticipation. Her nose was lightly touching mine and my arms fit perfectly around her waist.

I long for her lips on mine, remembering how she smiled into our first kiss under the colorful fireworks.

With the happy flashbacks, my eyelids relax and close, letting a tear escape and roll down the side of my head.


A small hum sounds from beside me, lightly pulling me out of my rest. As soon as it stops, I fall back asleep.


I hear the hum again, opening my eyes. It's dark as hell, except for my phone and alarm clock on my nightstand. I look at my alarm clock, squinting to protect my pupils from the light.


Who the hell is calling at this time?

I pick up my vibrating phone and see Noah's name on the screen. I press accept and hold it to my ear, stifling a yawn.

"Hello?" I rasp, feeling a burn in the back of my throat from lack of hydration.

"It's Noah," he says, sounding wide awake, "They set the trial date."

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