Part 18: Worth It

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We've been walking for quite a long time, now. Definitely a few hours. We can already see civilization, but Adora is walking us to somewhere with a 'good view' for the fireworks.

Occasionally we have to duck when someone walks by, but otherwise we're sticking to the outskirts of the town. The sun is already beginning to set and the chatter of people is beginning to fade away, replaced by our footsteps crunching the leaves beneath us.

"We're here," she chirps. I look around and see two to three story buildings around us.

"Uh... no offense, but I don't think we can see fireworks over these."

"Not if we don't climb them," she says to me with a challenging undertone.

"No way, what if you fall?" I ask, not thinking before it comes out my mouth.

"Awww, you're worried about me?" she teases. I huff and cross my arms, looking to the ground. "If I fall, you can catch me so I'm not worried." I smile when she says these words. Damn right I'll catch you.


Adora POV


I hoist myself onto a pipe to begin my climb and look around for a place to grab next. I subtly freeze when I feel Ray's hands on my waist, keeping me steady. Thank goodness for that, otherwise I would have melted into a puddle on the ground.

I should be continuing, but I don't want to. He'll have to let go when I climb up and I don't want him to.

In all honesty, I've been feeling closer and closer to him in the last few weeks. He's a great friend, but ever since that night under the stars when he put me to sleep while stroking my cheek, I can't help but yearn for more.

I've tried to push my feelings to the side. I really tried. Every time his finger brushes against me, accidentally even, it sends shivers down my spine and I have to do everything in my power to stop my face from going red.

I'm snapped back to reality when I'm pushing myself over the ledge and standing on the roof of the building.

Holy. Sh*t. I look over to double check that Ray is okay and turn back around once I see him climbing up after me. I hold a hand above my eyes, staring at the sky.

I stand still, absorbing the atmosphere around me. A soft gasp comes from behind me and Ray walks beside me, standing still as well.

The most beautiful, raw sunset I've ever seen was embracing us with its warmth. We were comfortably bathing in its rays of light as they softly began to hide beyond the horizon.

He puts his arm around me and pulls me closer, creating a tingling sensation. I have to stop myself from gasping of excitement and anticipation.

Our sides are touching, and I fully relax to drink in the situation. He was gently stroking my shoulder, subconsciously rocking the two of us back and forth.

I rest my head on his shoulder and close my eyes with a smile as we stand in a comforting silence.

	I rest my head on his shoulder and close my eyes with a smile as we stand in a comforting silence

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