Part 5: The Road Trip

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We've been on the road for quite a few hours, almost six if I'm tracking the time correctly. I'm at the wheel cruising down the freeway while Tanner sleeps in the passenger seat. I've gotten my drivers license so I know how to drive safely, but it's back at my home along with my phone and all of my money. Thankfully Tanner has enough money to last us the road trip until we get to where we need to be.

I turn the dial on the radio to all the news stations I knew of. Only one station mentioned my escape and a description of me, and we were a considerable distance away from the area.

I feel my stomach growl and immediately spot a gas station on the next exit. As I merge onto the exit lane, I reach over and tap Tanner's shoulder until he wakes up.


"I'm gonna stop for food, wanna fill up the gas tank in the mean time?"

"Yeah, sure," he said with a yawn while sitting up.

I pull into the parking space and we get out of the car. Now that I'm far from the search area, and the cops never saw my face in the first place, I can just go into the gas station in my black leggings and Tanner's white T-shirt. I bring a $20 bill inside and start browsing the shelves.

I grab two water bottles, some chips, and some energy bars. I take a closer look at the drinks in the fridges and freeze for a moment. I see a man, middle-aged or so, staring at me in the reflection. More so, staring at my butt. I roll my eyes and turn around with a poker face, walking right past him.

I quickly pay for the items, take the change, and get out of there. I walk up to Tanner, who just finished paying for the gas refill.

"Who's driving?" I ask.

"You just drove for a long time, I can take a turn."

I nod and hand him the stuff I found for him. He gives me a small smile and we get in the car.


It's been about five hours since we were at the gas station, almost twelve full hours on the road. I flip through the stations on the radio while Tanner takes a sip of water. I land on a station and our blood runs cold.

"...license plate with the number TES-936..."

That's the plate number on this car.

"Think we're gonna make it to the cabin time before we get caught?" Tanner nervously asks.

"Hell no, we still have another seven hours or so on the road."


I take a deep breath. "I hope you're not emotionally attached to this car, because we gotta abandon it."

"I hate this piece of junk, it's a rust bucket on wheels."

"Good. Take this exit."

Tanner looks over at me and cocks an eyebrow, in response I gesture to the exit once more. He changes lanes and gets off the freeway. "So what now?" he asks.

"Park the car somewhere hidden. Park it in the grass if you have to."

He sighs and parks it behind a closed roadside inn next to a forest. We both look around for security cameras and put up our hoods. I make a countdown from three to one with my fingers, and we bolt into the woods not even bothering to close the car doors.

Being careful to memorize which way is west, I follow behind Tanner as he quickly navigates for safer areas to hide in. After some time of sprinting nonstop, we finally slow down and catch our breath. We both look around and slowly look at each other, the same thoughts running through our minds.

We're lost in the woods.

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