Flashback no jutsu, Midorimas perceptive/memories, 3 POV

Every four years the Senju held a private gathering in their ancestral home located in the city of Nara. The purpose is to reinforce ties between the Senju and their business allies.

He remembers clearly their first meeting, how could he not, she had stated that so boldly but seventeen months later gave it up so easily.

Midorima was only a four year old child when he first met her. Although they were the same age, her being slightly older by five months, she was smaller than him, her head barely reaching his shoulders. But, even if he was young and a bit naive, he could tell that she had a strong gaze. She was a four year old like himself, but her cat like eyes of gold green color held a lot of.....arrogance and overbearing smugness.

He hadn't like her one bit, even when he had been forewarned by his parents about her slight attitude issues and told that he must get along with her no matter what, he was unable to do so. She didn't even know what she would be inheriting but knew that whatever it was, it would give her power over many people, said people that always came every four years to her ancestral home.

"Midorima Shintaro, nice to meet you."

"Senju Luna, sole heiress and future owner to the Senzoku Corporation! Be sure to do well in school so that you'll be able to work under me, Midorima Shintaro. For I won't stand incompetent workers under my regime."

Her bold statement had left him speechless and annoyed, who the hell ever said that he wanted to work with her, much less under her.

And ignoring his parents orders of getting along with her, he tried to distance himself from her. He didn't want to be friends with such a egotistical tyrannical person. But his efforts were futile as it seemed that she had her eyes on him. Out of everybody she could've chosen to pick on, it had to be him. The other children who were in the same and similar age group as Luna and Midorima also didn't like her very much. But obviously, they would never show their hate and disdain toward the little heiress in her face, they would do so behind her back. When they had invited Midorima to join their 'Luna Hate Group' he had instantly walked away not being interested in such low acts.

The stay at the Senjus' ancestral home would last four days, having met her in the first day was more than enough for him to want to go home but he couldn't. And to make matters worse those following next three days had been tiring, Luna had attached herself to him, he had been told countless times, by her, that she would make him the employee of the month forever in the future when she'd be in charge. She'd pester him about the great changes she would bring about when she become the person in charge and how she would have thousands of people bowing to her. Midorima would always give her an irritated look, clearing showing his displeasure in her words but she would just laugh and he would just get more mad. It was an infuriating cycle. But even so; little Shintaro really did wonder if Luna would one day outgrow this attitude or fall deeper into it.

And even when the stay had been over, the pestering did not end. Luna had made sure to stay in contact and a few weeks after, her grandmother chose for him to be her study partner and playmate. His parents gladly accepted and he had no other choice but to accept as well. They had tutoring sessions together and even had the same piano teacher, who would teach both of them together.

And although he hadn't wanted to admit it, the more he was around her and got to know her a little more, he begun to feel comfortable and begun to get along just little. Maybe it was the fact that even if, she seemed egotistical and too prideful at times, she was an honest and caring child, but just to those that were important to her.
Midorima had learned a few months later that he had become an important person to Luna, but it was also through that incident where Midorima saw a change.

His family, along with a few others, had been invited to visit their new reconstructed villa in Kamogawa, the newest addition to it being a man made lake, in late December. His parents had obviously accepted and some of the other other families who had also accepted the invitation, included those children that had a disdain towards Luna, but since they clearly would never say or do anything to her, Midorima became their target.

They had forcefully pulled him away from the adults and brought him to the lake, they had cornered him at the end of the dock so he had no place to run, except the lake which had a thin layer of ice. They called him names, calling him "Senjus' pet", "Lunas' servant" and "her new loyal dog". He didn't care for such stupid names and it was that, that had irritated the other kids more. Name calling turned to shoving him around and finally a hand had reached out and pushed him with too much force, leading him to fall backwards towards the lake. The thin ice easily broke and he fell into the freezing water. He still hadn't learnt to swim properly so he panicked, trying to call out for their help, but said kids were frozen from shock at what had occurred. He begun to loose strength and begun to sink into the water but as he was going to close his eyes, he saw her. Her hand firmly grabbed his and pulled him up. He was still barely conscious but with her help, he was able to get back on the dock. When he turned to try to lend her a helping hand he had seen she was already out standing at the very edge. Her eyes that always held that arrogance and smugness now held a completely different emotion, pure rage. He doesn't remember her words, but he remembers the great fury that he was able to feel from her even though he wasn't the one on the receiving end. But one kid, who was four years older, gained a bit of bravery and talked back to her and even gave her slight shove. Midorima wanted her to stop as he was close to passing out and was afraid that something would happen to her as it had with him. His fears came true when the older kid gave her another rough push leading for Luna to slip on her side and hit her head on the dock. Midorima vaguely remembers, seeing a little blood in the corner of her head when she staggered up from the dock floor but undoubtedly remembers the panic that kid had when he realized that grave mistake he had committed, and in that same moment of panic; pushed her backwards towards the lake.

Midorima had screamed her name, his conscious which had been slipping away from him returned for a moment, adrenaline was pumping in his system as he shouted for help and shouted at the other kids to go grab an adult.

The lake was a 10 minute walk, but when the adults, heard Midorimas scream it was a one minute run. When he had seen that Lunas father was in the front with two uncles right on his heels, he begun shouting at them saying that she was drowning. Her father didn't take a moment to stop and dived right into the water, a few seconds later he came up to the surface with Luna. Midorima fell to the floor, he begun to feel the cold again, and he passed out.

Even when he had awoken after passing out, and even now, after years of the incident, he still had Lunas image in his head as she was taken out of the lake, blood on her pale face, her lips that had a tint of blue and her unmoving chest.

He had awoken a few hours before her and had been given permission by her grandmother to stay by her side till she woke up.

When she awoke, she had been too quiet.
And when he had looked into her eyes, they held nothing. Midorima didn't know what to do, but he attributed her quietness  to the shock of the near death incident, especially it occurring at such a young age. But even when three days had passed, she didn't talk or interact with others, even him who was always accompany her. She was always sitting by her window staring out towards the lake and he had been worried that maybe she had been completely traumatized.

On the fourth day of accompanying her he decided to get her some snacks, as she hadn't  eaten properly since waking up, and this time he would make sure that she ate.

When he came back he had seen the door slightly ajar, her grandmother had looked a bit agitated, he hadn't meant to eves drop but for some reason he was unable to move away. And he heard her words, so clearly, words he never believed would ever come out of her mouth.

"I don't want it."

"What do you mean Luna?!"

"The Senzoku Corporation, I'm not interested in it."

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