The Aftermath! Deku vs Hero Course!

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Class A: Midoriya/Deku!

Midoriya sheepishly smile at them.

Izuku: Hey guys!

Kaminari: Don't 'Hey guys' to us! What happen back there!

Izuku nervously sweat.

Izuku: Come on guys, I just got a bit angry is all.

Iida: Midoriya, don't say it like that! You admittedly say that you were tortured as a child didn't you?!

Uraraka: And the childhood friend who told you top kill yourself... was it Bakugou?

Izuku sighed: Yes.

Everyone was shocked that Bakugou would go to such lengths for his pride. They know his ego is troubling but this is a new level.

Izuku looks around and doesn't see Bakugou

Izuku: Speaking of which, where is he?

Sero: He probably ran to his room after watching the news.

Izuku: Well, I say we should let him. He's probably blowing up his room being furious that he might be expelled.

Kirishima worried: W-well is he?

All Might: We could, but it depends on the victim to allows it and Midoriya doesn't.

Ojiro: Wait, are you sure Midoriya?

Midoriya: Everyone I understand you want Bakugou to be punished and he is. I made a agreement with Nezu and help you guys learn the skills I know except for Bakugou.

Kaminari: But wouldn't make him more angry?

Izuku: Well it will be a lesson for him. It was his pride and anger that he lost the provisional exam. So if he is going to continue going through a path of negativity, then it would be his own fault of not achieving his goal.

Everyone stopped for a moment, understanding that the Porcupine haired kid needs to know control his emotional personality.

Izuku: Alright, I'll be heading up my room to relax after what happen today. I'll see you guys later.

He was about to head up stairs and remembered something.

Izuku: Oh, and one more thing. Aizawa wanted you guys to prepare for tomorrow, *Smirked* Because you guys and Class B are battling me.

Everyone screamed: WHAT??

-A day later-.

It is now the evening of today. Both classes are now together at one side of a factory city and the other is Midoriya. The Teachers present are Aizawa, All Might, and Vlad, decided to tell them yesterday to give them a plan on how to beat him.

They are doing this training to see the progress and compare between them and Midoriya. So they give warned them ahead of time to give them a plan. Both classes are nervous but after planning all day yesterday they feel a little confident.

Aizawa: Alright, Class A & B, here is how today's training works, to win you can either knock him out or wrap him up by the tape given to you. The same can be given to Midoriya. I know you're facing an opponent that is very strong, but even when you're facing someone like him, don't give up!

Vlad: And with that, let the battle commence!

The siren then goes off to start the match, even though everyone decided to work together, Bakugou blast forward with an angry look.

Kirishima yelled calling out to him

Kirishima: Bakugou what are you doing?!

Bakugou didn't respond.

Pirate Hero, Deku!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang