Episode 93: Hime Shirayuki!

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"Bow before the Princess!"

Hello everyone and welcome to the 93rd Episode of Ask or Dare: Cartoon and Anime All-Stars Character Logs! Today's episode is all about the Blue Sky Princess, Hime Shirayuki!


Hime is one of the main protagonists of Happiness Charge Precure, which first aired on February 2, 2014 as a celebration of Precure's 10th Anniversary. She's voiced by Megumi Han. While Happiness Charge never got a dub, I'd imagine her dub VA would be Erica Lindbeck, who also voices Natalie and Eli. Her alter ego is Cure Princess. Her full name is Himelda Window Cure Queen of the Blue Sky. Try saying THAT 5 times fast.

Background and Personality

Hime is the princess of the Blue Sky Kingdom. When her kingdom was destroyed by Queen Mirage (Thanks to Blue being a worthless asshat), and Iona being kind of a b**ch to add insult to injury, Hime believed that she can't do anything right and bursts into tears, making her act shy and kinda selfish... Then she met Megumi, and the 2 became friends, and so, they gathered the rest of the Happiness Charge team we know today, and managed to safe the kingdom, and Hime's parents. She's a fashionista, and at times she can be too stubborn and headstrong.

Inclusion and Role in the Show

Like Juniper and the rest of her team, Hime made her debut in Episode 90: Girl Power. She's a rather minor character in the series, but does get some screentime every now and then. Even if it's just her simping for Brando...

Relationships with Other Characters

Megumi Aino: Check out Megumi's character log.

Iona Hikawa: Despite initially hating her, Iona grew to be nicer to Hime, which grew into a beautiful friendship. Yet people meme about Iona being happy when Hime suffers misfortune.

Brando: Her love-interest who she first fell for in the tail-end of Season 2.

Minako Aino: Hime's most hated rival. She's jealous that she's the girl Brando gives the most attention.

And that concludes today's episode of Ask or Dare: Cartoon and Anime All-Stars Character Logs! Next episode will be about the Australian Wallaby, Rocko! Until then, thanks for reading and I'll see you all next time!

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