Episode 70: Esdeath?!

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Hello everyone and welcome to the 70th Episode of Ask or Dare: Cartoon and Anime All-Stars Character Logs! Today's episode is all about the Ice Queen, Esdeath... The only reason why I'm doing her next is because she threatened to freeze me for all eternity if I didn't do her next, and I'm not one to want to piss her off so I'm reluctantly doing her...


Esdeath is the secondary antagonist of Akame Ga Kill, which first aired on Tokyo MX in Japan and on Cartoon Network's Toonami on July 4, 2014. Her Japanese VA is Akesaka Satomi while her dub VA is Christine Auten.


22 (Seasons 4-5), 23 (Present)


Antagonist (Season 4), Neutral (Season 4-present)

Friends & Allies



Maya, Clara, Rei (Arch-Rival), Weiss, Rachel, Chloe, Haruhi


Kazuya, Akame, Squidward, Ira, Marmo, Bel & Regina

Background and Personality

Esdeath was a high-ranking general of the empire and the leader of the Jaegers. But then, she met Tatsumi and fell MADLY in love with him and wouldn't let him out of her sight ONCE. In fact, it's been said that she'd KILL Tatsumi should he ever try to escape from her, and I learned that the hard way. Before she met her true love, Esdeath was a total sadist who lacked empathy for people whom she deemed weak since she lived by her father's philosophy, "The strong survive and the weak die". Oh, and did I mention that both her parents died when she was young? Well anyways, after meeting Tatsumi, she became SUPER clingy, which transferred over WONDERFULLY to when she fell in love with me...

Inclusion and Role in the Show

Esdeath is the most recent addition to the series, as she joined in Episode 160: Fight for Durand's Heart. At first, she was made the main antagonist of Season 4 when she kidnapped me and then kidnapped Squidward and the Mercaneres to try and rat us out, but after my cast took her down and calmed her down, I agreed to spend some time with her and let her join as long as she promised to not try and kill my cast. It turns out that she fell in love with me during our adventure in the Tekken realm after we had killed Kazuya, who was responsible for Tatsumi's death and wanted to regain her stolen happiness.

Relationships with Other Characters

Maya: Even after all the drama, Esdeath still bears negative feelings towards Maya for being my girlfriend...

Clara & Rei: Esdeath also hates Clara and Rei for having romantic feelings towards me as well...

Chloe & Rachel: Esdeath also detests both these girls for being ice wielders as she believes that she's the TRUE ice wielder...

Squidward & the Mercaneres: Esdeath used these guys to track down my location by kidnapping and possibly torturing them. They're all too scared of Esdeath to confront her tho.

And that concludes today's episode of Ask or Dare: Cartoon and Anime All-Stars Character Logs! Next episode will be about the OG Blue Cure, Karen Minazuki! Until then, thanks for reading and I'll see you all next time!

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