"Do you know what she's doing today?" Juliette asked, fingering with the blunt ends of her hair.

"I don't, I'm sorry." Natasha's face softened into a smile.

Juliette frowned to herself. Natasha didn't usually come with her, at least not to see Dr. Violet. Something told Juliette that couldn't be good. Something must be about to happen, and Odette was probably too busy to see to it herself.

"Are you glad Noah's back?" Natasha asked.

Juliette didn't look away from her hands, knotted in her lap. "Yes." Natasha was the only person she had ever heard call Noah by his first name. Guards were usually referred to by their last names.

Dr. Violet walked in not two moments later, a tablet in her hand and a stylus pen behind her ear. Her eyes landed on Natasha, and she paused uncertainly before shifting her attention to Juliette. "Take your clothes off."

"Why? I can roll my sleeve up for shots."

"We're taking measurements today, now do as you're told," Dr. Violet snapped.

"Excuse me." Natasha stood up, her eyes dark and stormy. "You will speak to Her Highness with the respect she is owed."

Juliette blinked, surprised.

Dr. Violet looked equally taken aback. "I have orders from Her Majesty—"

"I am Her Majesty's second in command, and you will speak to Her Highness with respect and professionalism. Do we have an understanding, doctor?"

The muscles in Dr. Violet's jaw flexed. "What would you propose I do when she refuses to cooperate?"

"If that should happen, which it doesn't appear to be at the moment," Natasha added with a glance at Juliette. There was something behind her eyes. A warning, perhaps? "Then I would advise you to call Her Majesty, since you have no authority over the princess."

For a brief moment, Juliette wondered if Natasha just wanted to get Juliette in trouble, but then the implication of her words sunk in. With Natasha here, if Juliette cooperated, she would be treated better. Either way she would be forced to undergo Dr. Violet's testing, but unless Juliette gave Dr. Violet cause to call in Odette, Natasha's presence would keep her in check.

That, if nothing else, gave Juliette motivation to cooperate. She couldn't retaliate against Odette, but she could steal Dr. Violet's hold over here. She could make her call her Highness and Princess.

Juliette turned an expectant eye toward Dr. Violet, delicately arching her eyebrows.

"If you would undress, Your Highness, we can proceed."

"Such manners. I feel so spoiled." Juliette untied the ribbon around her waist and then slid her arms from the sleeves, gathering the soft material and setting it on the chair beside Natasha. She stifled a shiver, wrapping her arms around herself and hating with a passion the feeling of vulnerability.

"Stand up straight," Dr. Violet said.

Juliette did as she was told, her eyes wandering to the far wall as Dr. Violet measured her waist, shoulders, and hips, then her height from head to toe. Her body twitched, wanting to fight back, wanting to shove the doctor's hands away.

"Still won't tell me what Odette's planning?" Juliette asked.

"That I cannot. No matter how much I'm threatened." Dr. Violet said the latter portion with a glare at Natasha, but Natasha was innocently writing on her tablet again. "No change in height or measurements. You may sit back down."

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