Chapter 26: Opening Up

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"Command. This is Theresa Apocalypse. I need a report on the 2nd Herrscher." Said Theresa as she talked into a radio waiting for a report.

Following her were Alex and Kiana as they seemingly were on their way to meet up with Siegfried Kaslana, Kiana's father.

During the walk, Alex had been wondering for a while now on how Siegfried was gonna look like.

'Hm. Now that I think about it, I know very little about Kiana aside from what I know of her now.' Thought Alex to himself as then felt a tug on his sleeve as he turned to see Kiana getting his attention.

"What?" He asked.

"You probably don't care, but seeing this is making me really nostalgic." She said.

"W-Wait what? You remember stuff when you were 1 year old?" Asked Alex.

"No of course not you dummy. Before I ended up in St. Freya, heck even before I ended up in Nagazora, I spent most of my childhood here in Siberia with my father. We would live on our own in a small, nice wooden cabin." Said Kiana as she smiled, remembering fondly of that memory.

"It was just you two? Didn't it get lonely?" Asked Alex.

"Well, it was at first. Initially my father rarely ever looked at me and refused to call me by my name. Not only that but also I wouldn't be allowed to go outside at all. I'd be home all day, waiting until my father got back home, which more often than not it would take more than half of the day." Replied Kiana.

"If that's the case then why are you so nostalgic?" Asked Alex.

"Because, that didn't last forever. One day, I went outside and attempted to help by slaying a Honkai beast, but I got so scared that I simply just sat there, unable to move. Then my father arrived on time, losing an arm in the process but still ended up slaying the beast and saving me. I felt so guilty for causing my father so much pain, but he reassured me that it wasn't. Afterwards, things changed. He finally started looking at me with joy, called me by my name, and we would both go out together to slay little Honkai Beasts. It was all so fun, but then it all ended suddenly." Said Kiana.

"Ended suddenly? The heck happened?" Asked Alex.

"I don't know why, but one day my father left and just abandoned me without even leaving a note or telling me anything beforehand. I was so heartbroken and felt betrayed. Even to this day, I'm still in the unknown about why he left." Said Kiana.

"That's rough. I'm sure he must've had a good reason though. I doubt he'd just leave you because he wanted too." Said Alex.

"Yeah I think that too. In fact, the reason why I joined St. Freya was because Aunt Theresa made a deal and promised me that if I joined, that one day once I finally became an S-Rank Valkyrie, she'd tell me the current whereabouts as to where my father is. That way, I'd finally find out why he left me." Said Kiana.

"I see. That's nice to hear." Said Alex with a smile.

"I guess. Sorry about telling all this to you." Said Kiana.

"It's fine. At least you can remember and talk fondly about your parents. I have little to no memories about mine. The earliest memories I can remember the time I spent as a part of Cocolia's Orphanage." Said Alex.

"I don't get it then. Since you know so little about your mom and dad, shouldn't that drive you to understand and find out what happened to them?" Asked Kiana.

"Honestly, I've gotten to a point in my life where I'm not really intrested in finding out any info on my parents at the moment." Said Alex.

"You say that like your a 65 year old grandpa. Aren't you only 13?" She asked.

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