"Now Alex, I know you do not want to stick with me as I am basically babysitting. If you want to complain go ahead but honestly between you and me this is the best part." I explain to Alex as he is a bit grumpy that he got me.

"What are we going to do?" Alex asks me before I shake my head with a smile.

"This is the usual routine. During the morning, I check on my patients and run their procedures to them. In the afternoon, I attend the emergency room and the patients get paged for critical care in which I then go attend. In the evenings, I have the interns run the procedure on my patients once last time before I go operate on them. It is that easy, except being the head of critical care surgery I get the weirdest cases." I explain to Alex my usual routines.

"So we attend the emergency room since it is the afternoon?" Alex asks me before I shake my head.

"Today is a special day. George and Izzie have a patient that keeps having green pee while ours denies that she is drinking alcohol but urine tests are saying otherwise." I say explaining to Alex our cases.

"So she must be lying," Alex says before I shake my head as we start our walk towards her room.

"Rule #1 for critical care, always believe the patient. It took them a lot of courage to come forward, they would not be here if they were lying."

We reached the patient's room before I entered and Alex followed behind me.

"Good afternoon, Mrs. and Mr. Robertson. This is Dr. Karev who is an intern that I hand-picked to assist me in cases as he is not only handsome but incredibly smart. It is an honor to have him in your case." I say to the patients trying to bring Alex's ego up.

How do you get the horrible intern to realize their potential and be a good one? Boost their ego and make them come up with the answers to the case. Not sure if I am explaining it right but it always works for me and I have been doing this for a long time.

"Now Dr. Karev, Mrs. Robertson states she has not had any alcohol but her urine samples say otherwise. What is the next step we should take?" I ask him as I turn around to face him so the pressure is on him.

One thing is putting pressure on the intern in front of other interns but what makes a good intern is putting pressure on them in front of their patients.

"I-I.." Alex pauses confused on what next step to take.

"We have to run another test. Which one would it be?" I ask him to help him out but did not give him the whole answer.

"Blood tests," Alex answers my question before I nod.

"Good. Mrs. Robertson we are going to run a couple of blood tests to see if there is any alcohol content in them. This will help us clarify more about your situation and how we are going to solve them. We are not running against time so there is no issue of getting worried or stressed." I say after shifting my attention and body to the married couple before they both nod relieved.

"Dr. Karev, please take a couple of blood samples and page me when you send them to the lab as I will meet you there."

"Mrs. and Mr. Robertson, I will be back after the tests are run," I say before I exit the room.

I have to check up on Georgie and Izzie and then on Christina and Meredith. I honestly have no issue with Christina and Meredith as I am 100% sure they are doing a great job as I have heard from my brother and Dr. Bailey how good they are.

I walk out of the room and start my way to room 524.

"Good afternoon." I hear a male voice say behind me.

"Derek," I speak up as I turn around to see as they like to call him McDreamy.

"Doing anything tonight after surgery?" Derek asks me before I shake my head.

"Good, meet me at Joe's then," Derek says before he walks away.

"Thank you for asking," I say sarcastically as he just told me to head to Joe's and did not ask me like I could have had something important.


"Thank you for letting us assist in your surgery." Christina Yang tells me as we are walking out of the OR.

"You both got 20/20 in the little quiz so it is all thanks to you," I explain to her before she nods.

"A lot of the surgeons do not let us assist in their surgeries. They barely even let us watch." Meredith adds on.

"I am not like most surgeons. I am heading to Joe's tonight if you want to join."

"Dr. Ortega-" Meredith starts to speak before I interrupt up.

"I prefer Olivia."

"Olivia, I heard you have been staying in the in-call rooms," Meredith tells me before I nod.

"Rule #1 of Seattle Grace: News travels fast in this hospital. Be aware of the nurse stands, it is the hot spot for gossip." I speak up trying to change the topic.

"I have an extra room if you want to rent it out," Meredith says before I stop in my tracks.

"Are you sure? I do not want you to offer it because I let you assist in surgery." I say feeling bad that she is offering it before she hands me a pair of keys.

"We heard what happened," Christina adds into the conversation.

"I appreciate it. I have to head to Joe's tonight so I'll be there late." I tell them before the nod and leave for their locker room as mine is approaching.

I quickly walk into the room before changing from my scrubs to normal clothes as I do not want to miss seeing Derek at Joe's since he is not patient at all. He never has been, to be honest, and my surgery lasted longer than planned as there were a lot of complications but the patient survived and is going to have a speedy recovery.

I made my way into the elevator before clicking the ground floor button.

"Wait up!" I hear someone yell before I put my hand on the elevator door sensor so it does not close.


"Olivia." We say to each other as he is standing beside me in the elevator.

"Not staying in the in-call room tonight, I see," Alex says before I roll my eyes.

"Better be nice or you'll never work in any of my surgeries."

"I'm joking. I would have offered but I only have one bed unless you're still down for that."

"Alex, I am basically your boss."

"And? Is it because of McDreamy? Heard you're going out with him tonight." He says before I chuckle.

I love new interns.

"If only you knew," I say before the elevator hits the ground floor.

"I'll see you in two days," I told Alex before I walked out of the elevator and made my way to Joe's.

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