The Long Night - The Walking Dead - Fan Fiction

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Season 3

It was a cool Fall day at the prison. Carol finishes up sweeping out their cell block and thinks of ways she could make the cold cement interior a little warmer. Days would be chilly soon, nights downright cold. They needed to figure out something. Maybe find some rugs to put down. Maybe some tapestries on the walls if they could find a way to hang them. These things were not a necessity but a little comfort couldn't hurt. Maybe she could go on a run with some of the others and talk them into it. Then again, maybe it wouldn't be worth the risk. Things down the line should be different, she thought. Once they really got settled it wouldn't hurt to get some creature comforts.

Carol set aside the broom and went to check on baby Judith who was blissfully sleeping in her makeshift bed. Carol ran her hand over the baby's soft head before going to get a bottle ready. Judith should be up at any moment. Beth came over carrying a stack of clean cloth diapers.

"I can take over. She will be up soon and I already got a bottle all ready for her."

"Ok, well, let me know if you want any help." Carol told her, still smiling down at sleeping Judith. "Maybe I can go help Rick, Carl and Hershel with the garden."

She was heading towards the door when Merle walked in. "Well hello pretty lady. Looks like your thinkin' about going somewhere. How about you think about making me something to eat before you head out."

Carol looked at him and sized him up. "How about you think about feeding yourself." Carol shot back. She was about to walk away when he grabbed her wrist.

"Hey there little mouse, you best watch that pretty mouth of yours." Merle chided.

Carol's stomach flip flopped but she wasn't about to let this asshole boss her around.

"Don't touch me." Carol threatened loudly.

Merle loosened his grip just as Judith woke from the sound with a cry.

Beth who had been watching from the perch turned and picked Judith up, shooshing her just as Hershel walked in, Michonne following.

"What's going on?" he asked, reading the room. He noticed the tense expressions.

"Nothing, just grabbing some lunch." Merle told him before releasing Carol's wrist and walking away.

"That man is nothing but trouble." Michonne said under her breath.

"Best to keep a close eye on him." Hershel added.

Carol went to her cell to grab her knife. She decided she needed to keep it on her at all times from then on. She decided to sharpen it how Rick had shown her before heading outside.

A few minutes later, Merle appeared in her doorway.

"Sorry about earlier. I thought you liked being bossed around, given your past."

Carol didn't respond. She just continued to sharpen her knife, making a point for the file to loudly scrap the edge of the metal.

When she didn't say anything Merle continued. "So, I heard your single now." He looked her up and down. "Want some company?"

Carol looked at him in disbelief. She hadn't even accepted his apology and he was already hitting on her.

"Can you please leave." She told him sternly.

"Ooh! Since when did you get so feisty little mouse?"

"Leave!" She said more loudly.

"Fine, fine. I'll leave but I meant what I said, you get lonely, you can call ol' Merle to help you out. Pretty thing like you doesn't have to be lonesome if you don't wanna be."

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