Mateo pov- I picked up my favourite blade and started carving into her skin every word that describes who she is and what she has done, I could still hear her muffle cries begging me to stop, I don't care that bitch can beg all she wants I will never stop, just like she didn't.

Mateo- I'm done she all yours Alejandro.

Alejandro- finally feels like I have been waiting forever hahaa, tsk..tsk...tsk... you can't sleep now,
Wake up you have the rest of the morning and afternoon to sleep until Junior surprise tonight.

Alejandro pov- I instructed the guards to take her of the chair and tie her ankles with rope and chains and to bring the Dunking Tank that is full of piranhas I could see her swollen eyes completely dilate at what was about to come to her we all sat back and laughed at the sight of her body been Raised up and slowly dunked right it to the water her body was thrashing around as the piranhas got to work, I gave the signal to guards to bring her up, I continued to do it about 3 times by the time She was completely raised up and taken away so they can tend to her wounds her hole body was covered in bites chucks of flesh missing I couldn't help the satisfactory smirk on my face upon seeing her.

With the girl's the same time as the boys We are torturing Mila.

Diamond pov- When we left the basement Miracle said she was going to see her father, I told her I would be there soon just had to check in Camila, she has been off lately I notice she has kept to herself for the first few days after it all went down she stayed by Junior even those the Idiot didn't say anything to her he was to wrapped up into everything else, I really hope she is okay.
As soon as I get to there room I open the door and see her sitting on the floor of the balcony looking completely lost I also see an open suitcase seating in the bed, god please tell me she is not planning on leaving.

Diamond- oh god are you okay.... God I an stupid of course your not you look like you have not stopped crying.
What going on? Why do you have a Suitcase. Talk to me cam.

Camila- I...I just think it's best that I leave for a while J...Junior has m...much so figure out I am trying I really am, I know he is hurting I am trying so hard to be s...supportive but I can not help if he can't even talk to me let alone be in the same room as me he hasn't slept in the same room in days.
I talked to papa, he is in Russia, his actually staying at Nikolai home.

Diamond- cam look I know he has been completely stupid and blind but please at least tell him.
I will give you some time I have to go check on my papa and mama anyways just think about what I said will talk soon.

Diamond pov- As soon as I walked out the room I tried calling Junior but he wasn't answering so I called Nikolai as soon as he picked up I told him to let Junior now I am pretty sure she was just planning on leaving without telling him, I know he has been an ass but I also know how much he loves her he will be worse if she leaves.

Back with the boys in the basement

Nikolai- Junior Diamond told me Camila is really upset and she planning on leaving she saw her in the room with and open suitcase telling her she was going to her father.

Junior- what? , what do mean she is leaving? Shit I know why ?
I was just hoping to make up for it after we where done here shit I gotta go makes sure someone cleans up this blood meet me back here about 9 okay.

Junior pov - I ran up the stairs out of the basement straight into our room I see her putting clothes into the suitcase my heart completely broke at the sight and I have no one to blame but myself I have been pushing her away.
But she can't leave because of that, I won't let her she is mine forever, she can be mad all she wants but she can never leave I need her to much.

Junior The Crowned Mafia PrinceDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora