Takanobu nods. "Yeah.. I need you to login to where you can see the current footage and record it as I do this."

"Yes, sir. Just tell me when you're ready." Yuuji begins to bring everything up, now able to see anything happening now. "Okay, I can record whenever you're ready."

Takanobu nods and walks inside the mansion. He takes a good fifteen steps away from the door. "Can you hear me!?" he yells out, needing to make sure he can be heard.

After a second, he can hear a yelled back, "Yeah."

"Start recording!"

Yuuji hears what he's told and clicks the record button, yelling after, "It's recording!"

Once those words are heard, Takanobu begins to run to the front door, grabbing a hold of the wall right before he can reach outside. He stays there a moment, needing enough footage of it before walking over to Yuuji. "Okay, stop recording."

The recording process is stopped and downloaded. They both begin to look it over, having one window opened for his run and that of you. The windows sit side by side and both play. He stops the videos as the shadows take over, Takanobu's eyes looking at them both as much as possible. Before he can say anything about what he's found, Yuuji says it for him. "She's shorter than you, but taller than me."

"Yeah. I need you to do what I just did. She may be your height."

Yuuji nods and hurries inside as Takanobu begins to set things up. As soon as everything is ready, Yuuji runs to the front door, stopping himself and doing the same thing his chief did. After a moment of standing at the door, he walks over to Takanobu and leans in.

They both review the footage once more. "The heights are practically the same.." Yuuji points out, his eyes moving from one video to the other.

"She has to be around six foot. That will count out many suspects in the future when necessary."

Yuuji nods and looks through what Ittetsu was able to tell the police. Although your face was never seen, the young boy saw Kenma's. He described kenma as, "Tall but shorter than the woman. His hair is blonde and black with golden eyes."

A moment of panic rushes through Yuuji as he reads this, showing it to his boss. "Chief, look over this."

"What about it?" he asks, looking over the information. "I've read this over around ten times within the last two hours."

"It sounds as if the boy is describing Kenma. Golden eyes, blonde and black hair," Yuuji tells him. "Kenma's hair is blonde with black at the roots, sir. He's even shorter than six foot. He's even considered missing right now. "

Takanobu quickly reads over everything, his finger moving as his eyes look over each word. The realization leads him to having to agree. "Kenma wouldn't help a killer though.." Takanobu says. The fear that one of his own may be stuck helping, perhaps kidnapped, leads him to needing this solved even more.

"You never know how manipulated his mind is right now," Yuuji says, putting the folder back with everything else.

Both of the men stand up, getting everything put back together. "The hair that was sent to the lab, it was black at the root, correct?"

Takanobu nods. "Yes. It may be able to be confirmed. We should hurry back."

"Yes, sir."

They hurry over to the car and begin driving back to where they live. She's on the move again and the only knowledge they had about where she may be was wherever the train ended up. Although, when it was figured out where the train was headed, people waited to catch you both. Unluckily for them, you'd been knocked off midway, leaving them without any knowledge of where you went.

Killer Love [Kenma Kozume x Reader]✔️Where stories live. Discover now