"What's this?" Namjoon inquired.

"Looks like a dinner party at some rich place. Your manor or something, Taehyung?" Jungkook pointed out relaxedly. It really looked just like that though: a gathering. Several men and a few women too, all sharing this same air of immense wealth and crimes.

"I'm not sure if I should be concerned or impressed but you're spot on. It's from a recording of one of the CCTVs in our manor..." Sunghwan said grimly. Taehyung, Jimin and Seojoon shifted in expressions, "Our manor in Seoul. This was from 2017 too and —"

"But we're telling you, that dude still doesn't look like our previous leader." Yoongi said, leaning back with a quietened yawn.

The grand room reminded her of wedding halls or simply important gatherings and almost all of them could recognize a slightly younger Taehyung in the recording, away from the rest of his own guests as his father was patronizing more overhead on the stage, clanking wine glasses with the same calm, cheeky smile. Jimin held in a giggle and teased Taehyung off-camera, "Little did your dad know that he was going to die on that very night, hm?"

Taehyung made no reaction whatsoever. Hyowon thought he heard something but was mindful of the mafiosi's silent stares. The screen continued to pan around the hall, and Taehyung saw more would come in to shake hands with his father. His younger self had decided to leave the room.

"Who's that guy, the one they keep bowing to?" Seokjin queried curiously.

"Taehyung's father. He's dead now though." Jimin answered on his friend's behalf. Soyun exhaled a silent breath as she went back to concentrating. Jungkook's gaze sharpened at the side with the vigilantes remaining still.

"Zoom in," Namjoon said.

They all stirred meticulously again and Hoseok squinted as the opacity of numbers and digits on the screen were lessened; they were zooming to stop the clip when the scanner recognized nearly the same features from the basilica and port.

"It's an 80% match? I mean, it's still high." Hyowon commented.

"Hold on." Taehyung's stern interruption meant a lot in itself. They saw the man with a mask walking out of the room, his way the opposite of the other man pacing calmly to leave through another door — he frowned with a snort, "Jimin. Come look at this shit."

Sunghwan gasped, "I thought I remembered something important —"

"The moulage artists. Taemin's team. You recognize that guy, don't you?" Taehyung said sternly and Jimin seemed serious for once, hands on the desk. Soyun could feel the tense shift in the air and Namjoon already let out a sigh as he leaned back on the couch.

"Oh my, what now?" Jungkook said sarcastically but with a frown. Hoseok's face hardened.

"What's his name again?"

"That's... Sunghwan, go back a bit." Jimin ordered and he furrowed his brows again, eyes scrutinizing the person on screen, "That's Gongyoo. Yeah, he's one of our doll makers."

"Right. Hope, when did your previous leader die?" Taehyung asked calmly.

Seokjin burst a small, wry chuckle first before Jungkook.

"Does this mean that the informant is possibly affiliated with the mafia next?"

"All our sides, actually." Soyun just realized, "Taehyung, what was the date when this happened?"

"14th of September in 2017."

Jungkook's gaze hardened and he groaned exasperatedly, "And the leader died a week before that. Just coincidentally in the same year and month, mayhaps?"

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