Part 19: Huge Relief

Start from the beginning


Adora POV


"I don't understand. Why didn't she just leave the tower herself?" Ray asks. I groan and drop my head back.

"Because, Mother Gothel made her believe everyone wanted to hurt her and she felt safer staying in the tower."

"Then why did she leave the tower with Flynn?"

"Eugene, and it was because she finally had a chance to fulfill her lifelong dream. She chose to take the risk." The soft crunching of leaves beneath our shoes accompanies our conversation, or more so debate.

"Then why-"

"Okay, you're asking too many questions, just enjoy the god damn story." I roll my eyes and he chuckles.

"Can't help it, I'm an analytical person."

"Clearly," I mutter. The cabin appears in the distance and we share a smile. Our speed picks up with motivation as we make our way up the hill.

The closer we get, the stronger the heavy feeling weighs on my chest. I slow down slightly, making Ray turn around.

"Is something wrong, love?" I nearly choke on air at the nickname and shake my head, brushing off the feeling.

We walk towards the porch, my feet now tingling with every step. I don't feel safe here.

I open the front door and step in with him, looking around quickly. No one's here.

Stupid me got nervous over nothing. Typical.

Suddenly, without any warning, I'm being tackled to the ground. I let out a scream and see Ray being pulled away by two cops. F*ck.

The side of my face is being pushed into the floor and Ray is desperately trying to escape their hold. A pair of handcuffs make their way around my wrists and I try to break free without success.

More than one is holding me down. I hear a choked gasp from Ray and see a pair of boots stop in front of my face. The man's hand grabs the back of my hair in a fistful and roughly tilts my head up to give me a clear view of his face.

"Finally," he growls. It's the police chief.

"DAD, STOP!" Ray cries out as I whimper in pain. The chief lets go and my head slams against the floorboard. I'm quickly dragged to my feet, with a cop on either side of me.

The chief walks in front of me, eyeing me up and down. "Time to put you behind bars, where you belong." I look over at Ray and see tears running down his cheeks, still trying to fight them off.

I don't give it a single thought. I use the two cops beside me as leverage and bring my foot to the chief's chest, applying enough force to knock him to the ground. He gets up in seconds and collides his fist into my face, nearly knocking me off my feet.

Ray yells to his dad to stop, his words only reaching deaf ears. I lift my head to try negotiating with his dad, and freeze when my eyes stare down the barrel of a gun.

"Sir, that's a little-" The chief gives the speaking cop a dirty look, shutting him up instantly.

"Listen here sweetheart," I internally cringe hearing his stupid nickname and see Ray staring daggers at him out of the corner of my eye. "You're going to follow us and get into the police car, or I'm putting a bullet through your skull."

I blink away a tear and nod slowly. If I'm going to die, it won't be in front of Ray.

"Dad," Ray says in a frightening low voice. The chief looks at him with angry eyes, ready to pop a vein. "Let go of my girlfriend."

The chief shifts looks between us quickly and locks his eyes on Ray. "Your girlfriend is a murderer!" He yells. Ray doesn't even flinch.

"No. She's completely innocent and doesn't deserve punishment to any extent. Please, let her go." A tear falls from his left eye and the chief's softens for a split second. It didn't last long.

The chief signals for the two cops to drag me out of here and I start to struggle again.

I hear shouts from behind us and see Ray pushing everyone holding him back to the ground. He runs over to me and grabs my face, his lips landing on mine in a millisecond. I can feel his tears on my cheeks now and he runs a hand through my hair.

I want to hold onto him for dear life but the handcuffs remain behind my back, only reminding me more and more of the situation.

His lips are still moving against mine, much more passionately than the first time. His hand gently strokes my cheek, magically taking the pain away.

To my dismay, he pulls away and lets out a sob, still inches away from my face. My heart shatters seeing even more tears run down his cheeks. I can't even wipe them away.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see his father with a saddened look on his face, staring at his son. He catches me looking and speaks up, restoring his intimidating shield.

"Alright, let's get her out of here. Ray, you're coming with me."

I get pulled towards the door and Ray is back in restraints, trying to follow me. Right before the door closes between us, he mouths I love you.

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