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<A teenager Z>

Yourfavoritesong: I need you guys to be honest with me

Imsexyandiknowit: Okay?

ToothlessHwa: Sure

Twerk_it: What's up buddy?

Yourfavoritesong: Yesterday in a moment of anger, Hongjoong confessed to something...

Imsexyandiknowit: What is it???

ToothlessHwa: Omg what happened??

Yourfavoritesong: Do you really think my faded hair looks bad??? 

ToothlessHwa: I will kill you Mingi

Yourfavoritesong: What? You hate it that much??

ToothlessHwa: Seonghwa is currently away from his phone, I will serve as an intermediate

ToothlessHwa: Yes Mingi, you should change it again – Yeosang

Yourfavoritesong: What do the others say?

Imsexyandiknowit: I don't really care about it xd

Twerk_it: Let's go together?? I've been wanting to change mine for some time!

Yourfavoritesong: Nice!! Thanks Yunho 😊

Sent at 13h05pm


Choi_Jongho: Well, you never told me

How did it go with Woo?

Shiber_SAN: I haven't been able to talk to him yet

Choi_Jongho: What??! It's been weeks...

Shiber_SAN: I know but he's always with someone else or we're with someone else

Choi_Jongho: You're never alone??

Shiber_SAN: Sometimes yes, but only a few times and I don't want to lose a chance to see him by upsetting him...

Choi_Jongho: Oh come on, San

Talk to him!

Shiber_SAN: I'll text him

Choi_Jongho: Do it, and don't take no for an answer

Shiber_SAN: I'll see :/

Sent at 13h49pm 

[Wooyoung's phone]

<Sannie <3>

Sannie <3: Hello beautiful

Me: Hey there <3

Sannie <3: Did you eat lunch already?

Me:No, I'm with Seongsang, we're cooking a weird lunch together xd


Sannie <3: No reason, I wanted to invite you to lunch but never mind

Me: Awww :3

Well why don't you come here?? 😊

Sannie <3: No, it's fine

Me:Oh come on, it'd be fun!!

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