Soulmate. Yeah. Jasmine was at another loss for words at the writing that now covered her wrist.

She had only read about soulmates, she didn't think that it was real, let alone that it would happen to her. The warning bell rang and she sighed.

Well then, soulmate. I have to get back to class. She wrote. She waited for a reply as she unlocked the stall door.

Have fun;) He wrote back, making Jasmine smile again. She looked at the writing that now covered her whole wrist and part of her forearm, wondering if she should wash it off or not to avoid people asking questions.

But after a moment of thinking, she just decided to pull down her hoodie again to cover it, then readjusted the strap on her bag and walked out of the bathroom. The smile plastered on her face was there for the rest of the walk to class, and when she walked in and sat down, she lifted up her other sleeve and grabbed the pen again.

Thanks for the talk. She wrote. She waited patiently for the response and smiled when it came.


She pulled her sleeve down again just as Lucas walked in and the bell rang. He spotted her and she felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up when he walked to the conveniently empty desk beside her and sat down.

"Are you okay? You looked pretty pale before," he said. Jasmine forced a smile and nodded, pulling her sleeves down farther down over her hands absentmindedly.

"Oh yeah. I'm fine. It was nothing," Jasmine answered with a tight lipped smile. Lucas stared at her deeply and she saw something in his eyes that she couldn't quite put her finger on, and that she didn't quite like. She looked away when the bell rang, but felt his strong gaze on her for a while afterwards, keeping the hair standing on end and goosebumps trail up her arms.


Raph didn't realize he was still smiling when he came out of his room, his wrist covered in writing that wasn't only from him.

"Jesus Raph. Stop smiling like that. It's freaking me out," said Mikey from his spot on the couch. Raphs smile quickly turned into a snarl at his youngest brother before he stalked off to see Donnie.

"No, Leo. I'm not sure why," Raph heard Donnie's voice through his lab door.

"I didn't think-..."

"Neither did I. But it happened. It IS happening." Donnie interrupted Leo. Raph frowned and pressed his ear closer to the door of the lab.

"I thought things like this only happened in movies or books," Leo exclaimed.

"I know, so did I. That is, until now," it was then that Raph decided to go into the lab to tell Donnie about the "conversation" he just had on his wrist. Leo gave him a nod as he entered and Raph crossed his arms with a scowl.

"What were you talking about?" He asked gruffly. Leo shared a glance with Donnie who shrugged and turned back around in his chair to face his computers.

"We were just talking about your soulmark," said Leo cautiously. Raph frowned.


"I was asking Donnie what he thought about it, since I've never really heard about real soulmates. It's only something I've read in books. Not only that, but we aren't normal humans either. So the chances of us getting one-..." he trailed off.

"It's highly unlikely. But then you got yours," added Donnie. Raph kept his arms crossed and stared down Donnie who just raised an eye ridge beneath his glasses.

"I assume the conversation went well?" Donnie said with an amused tone. Raph nodded and Leo looked at both of them, confused.

"What conversation?" He asked. Donnie pointed at Raph who held up his arm and held back a smirk. Leo came and grabbed Raphael arm, squinting in the dim light of the lab to read the dark writing on the dark green turtles skin.

"Wow. That's-... that's-..." Leo stopped talking, at a loss for words that something so amazing could happen to them.

"Mind boggling? Insane? Spectacular? A true marvel of science?" Donnie stated dryly from his position in front of his computers. "Really, Leo. You could have used any word to describe it."

"Ha ha. Funny." Leo replied sarcastically to his genius brother. He snorted a soft laugh from his chair and Leo rolled his eyes before turning back to Raph.

"I know. It's amazing." Raph admitted. Leo nodded and leaned back against Donnie's desk, crossing his arms.

"Have you found out who she is yet?"

"Not yet. And I'm not sure I want to tell her who I am," Raph replied. Leo tilted his head, blue eyes focused directly onto Raphael green ones.

"Come on, Leo. You know just as well as I do that humans don't take very kindly to random mutant turtles. And imagine if she found out that her fucking soulmate is a turtle," Raph raised an eye ridge in challenge and Leo's steely gaze didn't phase.

"If you're her soulmate, she'll love you for you," Leo said softly. Raphs gaze softened just a bit before Leo looked down and then at Donnie. "Thanks for the talk," he said quietly before brushing past Raph and out the door. Raph waited until he left to speak.

"What's wrong with him?" He asked angrily. Donnie sighed and spun around in his chair, rubbing his eyes under his glasses.

"Nothings wrong with him. He's just a bit-... confused? I guess that's the best way to put it." Donnie sighed. Raph frowned at him.

"What do you mean confused?"

"It's not every day you find out that soulmates exist. Let alone that a mutant turtle can have one," Raph heard the twinge of impatience in his normally calm brothers voice but ignored it.

"Yeah, but it's like he's upset or something. I didn't do anything to him," Raph ranted.

"You don't get it, do you?" Donnie said angrily, making Raph flinch back slightly at the change in volume. Donnie sighed and slumped farther into his chair. "He's not upset at you. He's feeling the same thing I am, the same thing Mikey is. Jealousy." It finally clicked into place for Raph and he shrunk back a little bit.

"Aw Don. I'm sorry. I didn't-..."

"We know," Donnie held up a hand to stop him. "But it's gonna take some time for us to get over the fact that you have a soulmate and the rest of us-..." he stopped. "We might not." Raph saw Donnie's brown eyed gaze go sad when he finished his sentence in no more than a whisper. Raph bit his lip when the purple banded turtle turned around in his chair to face his monitors again; and then he just left the lab.

On his way back to his room, he looked at Mikey, who was still sitting on the couch playing video games, then he went to the door of the dojo, where Leo was performing katas on the platform. Raph watched from the cover of the doorway as his older brother messed up on one of his moves and stopped his kata, sighing and rubbing a hand down his face before getting back into position and starting again.

Something deep in Raphael's stomach made him feel sick now that he knew what his brothers were going through.

So he just quietly walked to his room and shut the door, laying on his bed and falling into a restless sleep filled with odd dreams and no real sleep.

It has been a hot minute since I actually updated. And I am sorry, but here is another chapter! Yay!

I've been away for the past three days with no access to wifi and visiting family, so that's why there hasn't been any updates.

But I hope that this one was okay, tell me what you think!

XX Shadow


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