Chapter 6: The New Norm

Start from the beginning

Goon 1: Understood!

The two goons left the building leaving only the other two and the driver.

Izuku: 'Yeah fuck this, I'm done playing around now, I'm gonna find out what's in that truck and go home'

Izuku jumped down in front of the two goons surprising then, but Izuku didn't give them the chance to express their shock as he killed them both with Chidori.

Izuku: Tch, no resistance whatsoever, how pathetic.

Hearing the sound of lighting, the other two goons ran back into the building and pointed their weapons at Izuku.

Goon 4: Hey you! Don't move a muscle or we'll shoot!

Izuku ignored his command and started walking towards them.

Goon 2: Just fucking shoot him!

The goons started shooting at Izuku but the bullets seemed to be phasing through him.

Goon 4: What the-

Izuku didn't let him finish as he swiftly killed the two goons by kicking their heads of their bodies. The driver watched this all play out in horror, he stepped out the truck and put his hands up.

Driver: H-Hey.

Izuku turned around and stared the driver down.

Driver: I-I have no part in whatever they were doing, I just needed some money a-and they needed a good driver-

Izuku: Silence you pest!

The driver quickly went quite as Izuku's voice boomed around the warehouse.

Izuku: You want to live, and I have something you need to do for me, so here's the deal.

Izuku slowly walked up to the driver until he was only a few feet away from him.

Izuku: Once you wake up, I want you to spread these exact words.

Izuku slowly took off his mask until half of his face could be seen.

Izuku slowly took off his mask until half of his face could be seen

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Izuku: Madara... Is out for blood.

When Izuku uttered those words, he put the driver under a Genjutsu making him fall to the ground.

Izuku: Now, time to see what they have.

Izuku walked to back of truck and opened the doors, revealing something he didn't quite understand.

Izuku: What in the world?

Izuku: What in the world?

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