Trust 19

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Aarav sat in the study of Arnav crying and the gang looked at the boy feeling sorry for him.

"So that means you are not my father but my uncle!? " Aarav asked Arnav and he nodded. "So are my mummy,grandpaa and my dad going to jail? " His shaky voice gave away his hurt and fear.

Khushi moved closer and kneeled in front of him.

"Yes Aarav....... They are going to jail because if they are left to be free they would hurt more people and we don't want that do we?" khushi replied and Aarav looked down as tears rolled down his eyes and he started wailing.

Khushi took him into her arms and hugged him tightly.

"Am sorry Khushi aunty....... Am so sorry....... I didn't know my parent were such bad people...... I didn't know they wanted to use me to steal ASR's money." He cried out and came out of her arms. " They never loved and only one who looked me was my nanny Mohini...... My mother was always going on parties and daddy and grandpa were always busy...... They only started giving me attention a few months ago then they all of a sudden called me and told me Dhruv wasn't my father and that ASR was and if I pretend to be like him then he would accept me and that Khushi aunty is the reason you never accepted me." He confessed making then feel so sorry for him. "Deep down in my heart I knew it was a lie but I loved the attention they gave me and if that meant doing what they wanted then so be it but now I don't want to anymore and I don't want to see them anymore because they are bad people and I don't want to grow up like them"

Everyone was shocked at his maturity even at such a young age and the bad feeling  for revealing the truth to him was now gone.

Arnav moved closer to him and kneeled to his level and Khushi made way for them.

"Don't worry Aarav....... You are my nephew and I will take care of you okay. " Arnav said and Aarav smiled through his tears and nodded and then hugged Arnav.

He then broke the hug and wiped his wet cheeks with his hand.

"Now you have to promise me something" Arnav said and Aarav sniffed and asked what. "Don't tell anyone about what we've told you and do exactly what Sheetal and Anjali wants you to do without fail" Aarav's face fell hearing this and his lips shivered, an indication he was about to cry again.

"But I don't want to be a bad boy again. " He argued and Arnav released a heavy sigh.

"I know but you have to be for the next forty eight hours and after that you can go back to being the good boy you have always been. " Arnav said and he thought for a few seconds and nodded, wiped his eyes and smiled.

"I have go now or else they will suspect all of you and we don't want that. " Aarav said shocking them but they nodded and he run out of there immediately.

"Wow...... For a seven years old boy,he is really smart and intelligent and quite understanding. " Aman said and they all nodded.

Aarav was running to his room when he pumped into Sheetal who looked down at him in anger and yelled.

"Are you blind?" Aarav didn't respond like she wanted him to and it pissed her off. "Get out of my sight you stupid boy. "

Aarav nodded and rushed to his room and Sheetal rolled her eyes and moved down stairs but stopped hearing Khushi whispering on the phone and she was shocked seeing her home and hid behind the wall to ease drop.

"Don't worry Preeto...... Arnav and Akash bhai  will be in the office tomorrow early in the morning with Aman and  some business clients and I will fake having menstrual cramps and let jiji go to the site for the restaurant alone and with Nani and Babuji taking care of uncle, I would sneak out and come meet you at the temple in Laxmi Nagar." Khushi said and paused as the person spoke.

"It has be that way because I don't want Arnav or anyone to know about the surprise I have for them....... Sorry but I have to go now, Arnav and the others are coming down...... We are going back to the hospital to see uncle. "

Khushi immediately hug up and turned to find Arnav, Akash and Payal coming down.

HP followed with baskets filled with food and fruits and they all moved out smirking knowing they hit the bull eye because they have seen Sheetal ease dropping.

She came out of her hiding place and rushed to the room of Anjali and Shyam and told him everything.

Shyam then called his men and asked them to be ready for tomorrow.

"Ohhh Khushiji...... Tomorrow I will finally taste you....... You will finally be mine soon. " He said licking his lips and imagining Khushi in his arms.

Sheetal smirked looking at Shyam who was daydreaming.

"Fool....... Only if you knew together with Khushi, you won't be alive by the end of tomorrow. " She thought and smirked evilly at Shyam who was too lost to notice.

The Next Day.

As planned, Payal left with her son to the restaurant site and Shashi escorted Nani to the hospital and Arnav and Akash left to the office.

Sheetal has also convinced Anjali to take Aarav to school.

Khushi got to the temple and smirked seeing three suspicious men following her but she composed herself as if she didn't know or see them and then moved to the road side.

The next thing she knew was a handkerchief over her nose and she passed out.


Sheetal smirked seeing a crying Payal and a worried Akash on the phone and Arnav yelling at the security team who have been lined up in the hall.

Sheetal's phone binged and she smirked seeing the message.

"We have her....... Come quick. "

She moved pass them and immediately she closed the door, one of the security guards opened an laptop and they all watched as Sheetal's car moved out through the gates.

"We have her now. " Akash said and Arnav nodded.

"Thank all of you for playing along. " Arnav said to his security team and they all nodded glad to help their boss.

To be continued.

Precap: Shock for the Raizadas.

Anjali's reality check.

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Xoxo xoxo.

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