Trust 17

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Arnav, Payal and Akash got home like thieves looking around to see if anyone will spot them.

They immediately rushed to the study of Arnav and closed the door to find A man sitting down and waiting for them with anxiety drawn on his face.

"What's so urgent that you called us here like that? " Payal said. "We had to lie to the family that we are coming back to cook and since they all occupied with pampering Aditya we were able to get away with it...... Now what did you find. " Payal ended and Aman sighed.

"And ASR? " Aman asked.

"We went to me a client a long time ago before we left. " Akash replied. "Now what did you find about Sheetal. "

"I have discovered a very sinister plan Sheetal is planning against the family....... She is planning on using her relationship with Arnav and pass off the boy as ASR's as Khushi bhabhi suspected. " Aman revealed shocking the other and Khushi fumed hearing this.

"I knew that witch was up to no good and I knew she was trying out do so but how dare she....... How dare she try to pass off that brat as Arnav's son....... I trust Arnav and I believe him when he said I was the only woman he ever touched even before he told me about his fling with that witch...... I won't spare her. " Khushi turned and was marching out when a familiar voice stopped her.

"Neither would I let her get away that easily. "

They all turned and the book shelf rotated revealing Arnav himself holding a brown envelope with a smirk on his face.

They were all shocked seeing him standing arrogantly with a smirk on his face.

"Bhai...... What are doing here?....... But you said you were meeting a client?........ And when did we have secret entrances in this house." Akash asked still shocked and he casually walked up to his swivel chair and sat down.

"I had it installed because I wanted to avoid the tantrums and naggings of you know who and to tell you the truth, it wasn't a client but a private investigator. " Arnav placed his leg on the table and smirked seeing their shocked faces.


Arnav frown in his sleep not feeling the usual weight he was accustomed to all these years.

He opened his eyes to find Khushi's side empty.

He called out to her but no response and she checked everywhere but couldn't find her.

He than put on his shirt and pants since he was buck naked after an erotic love making with his wife and moved out if the bedroom.

He moved down stairs and saw Khushi, being dragged by Akash and Payal while sneaking into his study like some thieves.

"What are they up to? " Arnav thought and took the secret passage leading to his study.

He opened the hole and peep through it seeing the trio in serious conversation and he was shocked hearing what they were talking about.

"I want to know what you two are up to. " Khushi demanded and both sighed.

"We suspect that woman Sheetal is in cahoots with Anjali and are plotting something against you and bhai and that was what's why we were asking Aman to have  background check on her and Di. " Akash revealed but they both looked surprised not seeing the surprised emotion they were expecting from Khushi. "You also suspected the same? " He asked and Khushi nodded.

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