Trust 14

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Delhi Restaurant.

Sheetal entered the restaurant and looked amongst the people eating.

But didn't find the person she was looking for

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But didn't find the person she was looking for.

She was about to give up and leave when she saw the person raise his hand and she marched up to him and sat down with a angry scowl.

"Why did you ask me to meet you?....... Don't you know we can't be seen together until we get Arnav's properties." The man whispered in anger put Sheetal glared at him in anger. "What's wrong? " The man asked confused.

"Don't you fucking ask me what's wrong because all this is happening because of you and your father." Sheetal uttered in anger making the man confused. "Your plan is failing and it hasn't been forty eight hours and everything is going wrong since they come back. " Sheetal said almost on the verge of crying.

"What the hell do you mean by that? " The man asked.

Sheetal went ahead and told him all that happened since Arshi arrived and he was shocked.

"Look Dhruv....... That woman has Arnav wrapped around his finger because he even slapped Aarav for her then imagine what he would do to us if he finds out. " Sheetal uttered in fear.

"We have to find another way....... I thought since Anjali was his everything and he would reconcile with her and make our plan easy but I was totally wrong....... Anjali is of less use to us now....... Now we have to target Khushi. " Dhruv said and went into a thinking mode. "I know what we have to do..... Now listen. "

Dhruv told Sheetal of his plan and she was shocked and sceptical.

"Are you sure it would work? " Sheetal asked.

"Yes it would......... Arnav loves Khushi and would do anything for her because now we will turn our target on Khushi and HE would help us. " Dhruv said and Sheetal sighed.

"Okay if you say so. " Sheetal exclaimed still not convinced the plan would work.

Dhruv gave her some money and walked out of the restaurant leaving Sheetal at the table.

She stood up to buy some take out when she bumped into a hard chest and looked up to yelled at the person but the words got stuck in her throat seeing the person.

And it was none other than the most loyal and was efficient man on earth.

The great AMAN MATHUR.

Sheetal gulped seeing him and he cocked his eyebrow at her.

Sheetal straightened herself and moved towards the counter but looked back to find Aman's gaze on her and she looked away.

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