🌠Telling About The Dream🌠

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💜🍜Naruto and Hinata🍜💜

The next morning Y/n went to the academy and did her normal stuff until she got home and the five sat down for dinner. They where all eating but Y/n was picking at her food and staring off into space. "Y/n, hunny? Are you alright?" Hinata asked. Y/n looked up and sighed. "I need to talk to you guys." Naruto looked at his youngest. "What is it, noodle?" Y/n sighed again. "Well last night I had a dream..." Hima and Boruto looked at each other then back at Y/n. "Ok...?" Boruto said. "Well it wasn't just any dream. I saw Grandma, Grandpa, Pervy Sage, and Uncle Neji. We all had a full on conversation." Y/n said looking at her parents. Naruto and Hinata exchanged looks. "Really?" Naruto asked, looking at the red head. "Yes, it was awesome! Dattebane!" Y/n pumped her fist in the air. "Is that possible?" Hima asked. "Yes it is." Naruto said. "Well, let's start form the start? Yes, Y/n?" Hinata asked, Y/n's eyes lit up fast. "Of course, well it started when I woke up and walked through the door........"

🌸🍅Sasuke and Sakura🍅🌸

Sasuke and Y/n where training, hand to hand combat, and the only thing she could think about was that dream. Sasuke punched Y/n in her stomach, Y/n flew back and hit the tree. Blood came out of her mouth. "Y/n? Is there something bothering you?" Sasuke asked. Y/n sighed. "Yes." Sasuke raised an eyebrow. "Well?" Y/n glared at her dad. "Well, I had a dream and I saw Uncle Itachi, Grandma, and Grandpa. I talked to them for a bit and it was fun, they seemed nice, even Uncle Itachi helped me sort out stuff." Y/n said looking sideways. Sasuke stared in disbelief. "What did you talk to Itachi about?" Sasuke asked. "That's not really important." Y/n looked away again. Sasuke just stared at her, trying to take in what she just said. He sighed and went up to her. Her crouched to her level and took his two fingers and tapped her forehead. Y/n's eyes widened.

😈💤Shikamaru and Temari💤😈

Y/n walked into the living room seeing, Shikadai, Temari, Shikamaru, Gaara, and Kankuro. All eyes went to her. "I need to talk to you guys. This is going to be suck a drag." Y/n said sitting on the floor. "What is it?" Temari asked raising an eyebrow. "Well, uh, dad, I saw Asuma. He was sitting at the shoji board, I asked to join and he agreed. I sat down and we played and talked. After a game I saw Grandpa. He asked if I wanted to play shogi, of course I agreed. And after that I woke up." Y/n explained slowly. They all stared in shock. "What a drag, everyone is staring at me. Asuma also said he missed you dad." Y/n looked away. "W-what?" Shikamaru asked, his voice almost breaking. Y/n sighed. "Well......."

💐🖌Sai and Ino🖌💐

"Mom! I really have to talk to you!" Y/n ran to her mom. "What is it, flower?" Ino looked at her 11 year old. "I saw Grandpa." Y/n said quietly. "Huh?!" Ino looked at her in disbelief. "Well, I had a dream and I saw grandpa, sense Shikamaru has been teaching me how to play shogi and I asked if he new how play and said no so I taught him." Y/n said looking at her mom. "Oh, oh wow." Y/n nodded her head. Ino was trying to process what her daughter just said, because she didn't even know that could happen.


"Dad! Dad! Dad!" Kakashi looked at her. "Hm?" He hummed in response. "I met your old team in a dream." Y/n said casually. "What?!" Kakashi sat up. "Ya, I met them in my dream." Y/n smiled through her mask. "They where nice, except Obito." Y/n said crossing her arms. Kakashi stared in disbelief. "Ya, Rin said I was pretty, and Minato- Sensei seemed really nice but Obito. He's such a brat. I wanted to just throw him out the window because he commented on everything I said! It was very annoying. I have no idea how you put up with him."


"I'm a Uchiha!?" Y/n shouted, Iruka looked at her speechless. "How do you know?" Iruka raised his voice. "So it's true! I met my mom in a dream and she told me everything that you never bothered telling me!" Y/n shouted, crossing her arms. "You met Cho?" Iruka asked, not sure how to process this. "Yes I did. Why didn't you tell me? This would have made my life a lot easier instead of keeping it a secret from me." Y/n snapped, her eyes flashed a red. "I'm going out." Y/n said, slamming the door shut on her way out.

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