Chapter Twelve

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A kind of melancholic trance in which you become completely absorbed in vivid sensory details.

This was not the time to say that. Yoongi thought. He shut his eyes, squeezing them tight. He brought his hand to his forehead and pinched the skin with his fingers. Jimin, however, stood still, looking at Yoongi with the no st astonished expression on his face.

Yoongi felt like a peice of his heart had been separated from the rest. He looked at Jimin and was about to apologise when Jimin smiled. His eyes disappearing as usual. He ran his fingers through his pink hair, he brought his small, chubby hands to Yoongi's face and cupped his cheeks.

The Min Yoongi had frozen, he saw his own reflection in Jimin's brown eyes. And before Yoongi could do something stupid, like apologising, Jimin pressed his warm mouth against his.

Yoongi's brain went haywire.

Jimin was kissing him. Jimin, to whom he had just confessed his love, under a bridge, was kissing him under the same dirty bridge.

There was no picnic, no sunset, no candles, and no strawberries. There was rain, gloominess, and cold water, but it wasn't that bad after all. Because Jimin.

Jimin brought light and warmth and comfort. The two boys had each other. And their love for each other. The copious love. And that was enough.

And so when Jimin finally pulled away, gasping for breath, Yoongi found it anticlimactic, because the kiss had been like a breath of fresh air.

"I love you too, Yoongi", said Jimin, out of breath and blushing furiously enough for it to be visible even the limited light of the street lamp a few feet above them.

"I love you- I hadn't even realised it un-until... I don't know- I-", he was cut off by another kiss, this one initiated by Yoongi.

It was different from the first one in every way, both their hands reaching up to grab the other's face, both their heads tilting to deepen the kiss. Lips parting, and it was everything. Beautiful as a voilet, enchanting as lavender fragrance, and mesmerizing as the vast galaxy.

It had Yoongi's body tingling in this pleasant way, and he never wished to let go. It had him pulling Jimin closer until there wasn't any space between them, twinning his fingers in his soft, pink hair.

He did have to let go, though. But the look in Jimin's eyes didn't let his disappointment surface. Because it promised many more kisses in the days to come. Kisses and laughter and so much more, that Yoongi just took the other's hand and held it in his.

"I love you", they said it together, this time.


Heyyy! Thank you for reading! <3
I hope you liked this chapter. I think it was time to get these two together. Hahaa
I am sorry for not being very regular.
Stay safe y'all! Take care.



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