Chapter Eight

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                                            Crois en toi
                                      Believe in yourself


30 minutes were left for his performance to begin. Yoongi sat on one of the bar stools in the bar area, sipping his soju. A few people who had arrived earlier for the performance had asked for his autograph and clicked pictures with him, making him feel a little too special.  The boy wasn't used to much attention. 

The door of the lounge opened, revealing the boy whom Yoongi awaited, dressed all pretty in a shimmery green shirt, white pants and a single silver earring that shone like a mirrorball, catching and reflecting the few lights in the otherwise dark area. His eyes travelled everywhere as if searching for someone, until they landed on the rapper, and lit up. He smiled and walked in Yoongi's direction. 

"Hi, you look..." he blushed in between "..nice" he finished. Yoongi smiled "Thank you. You too". Jimin called the waiter and asked him for another bottle of soju for both the boys. 

They sat together and talked for a few minutes until it was time for Yoongi to perform. Jimin looked at Yoongi and wished him luck, offering him his sweeted smile, melting Yoongi's heart, and reducingnitnto a puddle. "Thanks!!" Yoongi said, reaching for his guitar and strapping it to his back, as he walked up to the stage. 

A bunch of people cheered, but his eyes were on Jimin who sat on the same barstool clapping for Yoongi and smiling with his eyes close, not knowing the kind of power he held over the boy on stage.

                                               - - ♡ - -

As Yoongi's performance came to an end, and he had got down the stage, more fans who had wanted to get pictures with him started crowding around the embarrassed man. The staff was preparing the stage for the next performance of an Indian pop band, Yoongi liked. So, he tried to smile for all the camera's aimed at him, while he made his way towards Jimin. 

When he got to his seat, he saw that Jimin had now switched to a big glass of pink fruit punch that was the same colour as his pink hair. He offered it to  Yoongi, who decided to order one for himself.

They began to talk as the band  lit up the atmosphere with their beautiful voices and cheerful beats. A part of the audience had started dancing next to the stage, and more and more people joined them.

Soon, the atmosphere was more of a happy dance party, than a pub. Jimin and Yoongi had been talking and giggling a lot, and had to stop for a minute to catch their breaths. Jimin was drumming his fingers on his glass and Yoongi taking advantage of that, stared at Jimin. In a way he knew was extremely creepy, but then Jimin wasn't looking so he didn't care. 

Disturbing Yoongi and his 'crush', a red-haired boy walked towards Jimin. 

Offering him a hand, "Hi" he said. Jimin shook hands with him and smiled at him, returning his greeting. "I'm Taehyun", the guy said and Jimin who was now facing him completely introduced himself. They slowly started talking about something Yoongi couldn't really hear due to the loud music but he sure felt uncomfortable when 'Taehyun' touched Jimin's shoulder.  That was when Jimin stood up and introduced Taehyun to Yoongi. "This is Yoong-" he began when Taehyun interrupted him "Yeah, I know. Wonderful performance, Yoongi-ssi", he said and smiled. Yoongi thanked him.

They continued to talk. Taehyun was very clearly flirting  with Jimin, evident when Jimin started appreciating how beautiful the lights looked, Taehyun said "You're prettier". That was when Yoongi got annoyed. He saw Jimin blushing, and then Taehyun asked the boy to dance with him. Jimin, polite that he was, agreed and Taehyun reached for Jimin's hand pulling him towards the crowd of dancers.

Yoongi was annoyed.  

They danced together, Jimin's hands in the air while Taehyun rested his own on the pink haired's shoulders.

Yoongi was really annoyed.

In fact, he wanted to punch Taehyun in the face and and push him out the door. He just sat there sipping his drink asking for another one, then continuing.

He was annoyed by the fact that Taehyun was the one dancing with Jimin, when it should've been him. Why didn't Yoongi ask Jimin instead. The thought irritated him, he should've asked him earlier. Jealousy got the best of him.

He knew, right from the beginning that Jimin was precious. He was all the good things Yoongi had ever known. He was the kind of boy he had always thought of being with. The kind of boy he wanted to end up with...  wait what? He sounded like a lovestruck  middle-schooler. He felt like a lovestruck middle-schooler. 

He felt like a lovestruck middle-schooler because of Jimin. Jimin made him feel that way.


Yoongi was in love. 

With Jimin.


Hi!! Thank you for reading!
I hoped you liked this chapter....I couldn't really think of anyone cuter than Taehyun and Jimin and Taehyun are like two sweet friends right!??!?! (I respect if you ship them or do not<3 )



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