Super llama

160 2 2

Happy Llama

Sad Llama

Mentally Retarded Llama

Super Llama

Drama Llama 

Big Fat Mama Llama

Moose, Alpaca, Moose, Moose, Alpaca


Life was progressing. Keeley was the only friend at the moment i could trust, the others had all gone off and found new groups of friends to hang out with. Izzy was like my little messenger as she told me all the news about the others and how Amber was doing. 

"Georgia......" Izzy and i sat next to each other in french.

"mmmmm hmmm"  i replied as i copied down the vocab on the board.

"I don't really know how to say this but, Amber came out of the hospital yesterday. We went to visit know.......i just thought you should know." She straight into my eyes to try and see my emotions.

I leaned back on to my chair and let out a long breath.

"How is she?" I asked.

"Better, i would say good but its a bit hard when she is most likely going to be stuck in a wheelchair for the rest of her life."

"Wheel chair?" I asked again to make sure i was hearing right.

"Yeah, she was lucky that she wasn't paralysed."

"Oh gawd." I sighed. 

"Georgia you can't keep doing this to yourself. It wasn't your fault! You need to remember that. Also Amber doesnt blame you! Look she even gave me this letter to give to you, she had to hide it from Frankie and the others though." Izzy smiled at me. Although i could see the pity that was bubbling to the surface.

The lesson was drawing to a close and Izzy attempted to say one last thing to me.

"I'm really sorry Georgia but i can't keep meeting you in secret like this."

"W...ait......WHAT?" i stammered.

"I know the whole Amber thing wasn't your fault, but the others have been my best friends since the first week of year seven. Whereas you only joined us halfway through year eight. I'm so sorry. Maybe in the fut-" I cut Izzy off before she could carry on.

"Don't please. I think this conversation is over and i'm sorry too about how this has to end." I said this looking her straight in the eye and walked out of the classroom before the teacher had dismissed us.

As soon as i heard the door shut behind me, i ran as fast as i could to the year nine cloakroom. Ignoring the stares from the teachers passing by. I crawled into the corner furthest away from the door and cried my eyes out. 10 minutes later i had run dry of tears and sat there facing the wall with nothing to do and nowhere to go or talk to. (as Keeley was off school) 

I went into my bag to find some tissues but instead was greeted by the letter Izzy gave me. I slowly opened the letter scared of what was waiting for me inside.

Dear Georgia,

I understand that things are not good for you at the moment. And i, well i just want you to understand that  i don't blame you at all. It wasn't your fault that i fell off that balcony. If it was any ones fault, it was mine. I was the one who fell off the balcony and nobody pushed me. The only part of this accident that had anything to do with you, is the fact that it happened at your birthday party.

I was on that balcony because dan and i had prepared a suprise for you. When you blew out the candles on your cake i was going to trigger the net above that was full of confetti. I think if everything had gone well you would have loved it.

Ignore the others they are still my best friends but sometimes they can be such arseholes sometimes. Please try not to be angry with them. They just had no one to blame so they picked you as you weren't as close to us as individuals.

At the moment i'm in a wheel chair and the doctors say it's a miracle that i can even move. However, i won't be coming back to our school as my parents have decided to relocate me to a school better fitted for my needs.

I hope to see you again in the future sometime.

Love Always,


And that was the last i heard of her for 10 years.

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