well that was interesting...

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I now had less than a week to go until my birthday and the party that came with it. By now I think the whole school now knew that I was related to and lived with a danisnotonfire. All thanks to Frankie posting a picture of us doing silly faces on facebook that happened to have Dan casually eating cereal in the background. That was quite hard to explain to many of my fellow students.

Because of this people were trying to become friends with me every second of the day so my friends and I had to hide in the library study room every lunch time. with my friends there it was like having my own personal body guards. At least I knew they were my real friends as they treated me in the exact same way as before. This included lots of shoe stealing and face palming. Apart from the awkward stalkerish questions Skye and keeley asked me about Dan and Phil's habbits .

What made matters even worse was the fact I was 14 in 6 days and I still hadn't given out my party invites.

"Of course all you guys are coming but I don't know who else to invite. Everyone wants to come and meet Dan and actually don't care that its my birthday!" I told my friends as we his under the table from some year 8's.

"well you could just tell Dan that everyone knows. I'm sure we'll still have fun even if its just us!" answered Chloe.

"agh well I guess you guys are right, just us lot and maybe some of Dan's friends"

"DONT FORGET PHIL'S FRIENDS!!!" burst out Keeley.

"Shhhhhh remember we are supposed to be in hiding. Also Dan's friends are Phil's friends dumb ass." Amber replied casually.

"Well then I actually think I'm starting to look forward to this party!" I sighed, relieved.

"so who is Dan bringing to the party?" Izzy asked.

"I guess other youtubers ,they are the majority of his friends."

Skye squealed with excitement.

can i just.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt