dress shopping is mighty fine

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Did anyone else listen to Dan and Phil on radio 1?xx I made this extra long just for Amber :)

Georgia's p.o.v:

I handed out my invites the next day. Everyone found it hilariously funny that I had pink fairy ones (thanks a lot daniel) and I got nicknamed 'glitter' by all of my friends.

"So what's the dress code for your party, Georgia?" Izzy said. I shrugged. I didn't really care what everyone wore, so long as they were fully clothed. "Whatever you want...I guess" I replied. Everyone shrieked.

"I can wear my one piece!" said Amber

"I can wear my green heels!" Said Keeley

"And I can wear my blue ones!" Said Skye.

I rolled my eyes. Who cares about what your clothes look like? As long as your not naked or cold, your fine. Well that's what you get for living with two boys. If it weren't for me there clothes wouldn't even be clean.

We were in the library again, which was literally dead apart from a few year 7's in the corner. I got my hairbrush out of my bag and quickly brushed my hair back into a messy bun. I turned round to see keeley plaiting some of it. "Can I do your hair?"she said. I nodded because I didn't have anything better to do.

I couldn't see what she was doing because there was no mirror but she brushed my hair down and then plaited two loose strands. She curled the round my head and left the rest of my hair long. I hardly ever have my hair down because it gets so frizzy and annoying. I looked in my compact mirror and studied my hair. I should have my hair down more often. I look older.

After school Dan came to pick me up because we were going dress shopping for my birthday. Whoopee. He wore a trilby hat, sunglasses and a fake moustache but it was obviously Dan anyway. Half the girls in the school were crowding round him, asking for autographs and pictures. I stood around the girls for about a minute awkwardly. "Hey, what's Geeky Georgia staring at?" One said.

"Does SHE think Dan will notice her, as if!" Said her friend

"She's so weird, Dan won't like her."

I'm guessing Dan heard all this, because he gave a death glare to the girls and pushed out the way of some screaming ones. "Georgiaaa!" He said and lifted me up and hugged me tight. "Dan...need....to......breath!" I gasped.

Everyone stood, mouths open.

"Didn't you know Georgia was Dan's sister?" One of the girls said.

"She lives with him aswell!" Said another. We walked away and everyone was having a laugh at the 3 girls who bad mouthed me. I knew that having a brother would come to good use one day.

We walked to Oxford Street and went in a few shops. Dan (Bless him) tried to pick out a few frilly pink ones, but I pretended to throw up. "Dan, you've known me for 13, nearly 14 years. Have I ever worn that?" He laughed at me and then put his hands up to surrender. "Just kidding, maybe this shop isn't for you...let's go into a better one!" So we walked the whole length of Oxford Street trying to find a good shop. I think we may have got lost, because we found ourselves in a small side street crammed with awesome shops. And that's where I saw it.

It was a black minidress with lace on the front and small straps. I looked silky and I dragged dan to see it. "Isn't it amazing?" I said. He peered at it and nodded. " It is!" He said "though maybe its a bit too...slinky? You might not be old enough to wear it!" I laughed at him "I'm 14, and there's no age limit on dresses. Silly catface." We went inside the shop and I asked to try It on. It fitted perfectly. I span round in it, not wanting to take it off. Ok, I know I said earlier that I didn't care about clothes. But trust me, this dress was to die for. I came out of the changing rooms and Dan nodded. "So can I get it?" I said.

"It sure does look nice on you! Fine we'll get it!"

I think he saw the price tag, it only cost £20. Absolute BARGAIN.

We then got the train home, it was about 6:00pm. I almost fell asleep watching the regular show with Phil. I then had a long skype conversation with Izzy and Keeley. I showed them my dress and they squealed. After I put it in my wardrobe with the rest of my stuff.

Dan came into my room after and jumped down on my bed. "Whatcha doin?" He said. I hit him and then replied "Spanish homework, What's it to you?"

"Bonjour" He said with an italian accent.

"That's French with an Italian accent, and your not helping..!" I said. He grabbed my spanish textbook and ran round the flat with it."Phil catch!" He said, throwing it to Phil. Who caught it just in time. Otherwise it would have hit my goldfish, Fred, George, Ron and Ginny (d'ya get it? Their all goldfish...).

Phil immediately gave it back to me and scolded Dan with a lecture about my schoolwork. See, living in this place doesn't get boring...

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