And then....Screaming.

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As we went up the stairs to my flat, no-one believed me. 

"Pfft, As If your Dan's sister!" Frankie said

"Yeah, I mean this is less believable than Tom Daley being Frankie's cousin!" Izzy said

"Dont tease us, Georgia seriously. We might cry!" said Skye.

I walked upstaris and opened the door with the spare key under the rug. The house was silent and as we walked through Keeley said "Where's your kitchen? I need sugar"

I gestured in the right direction (NO REFERENCE TO THAT HORRIBLE BOYBAND) and the guys followed me into my room. "So where's your famous brother then?" Frankie said. Then we heard a scream come from the kitchen. It sounded like Dan because It was very high pitched. "What's that?!" Amber said. I ran to the kitchen and the others followed me. Turns out it was Dan. He was fighting with Keeley over the malteasers packet. Keeley didn't even do anything, but held on as tight as she could, and then all of a sudden, the packet tore apart. There were thousands of malteasers scattered all over the floor and Dan was nearly in tears. "Im sorry, I was just so hungry!" she said. I turned around and Amber, Izzy, Frankie, Skye and Chloe were all staring. "Ughh, Dan, meet Amber, Izzy, Frankie, Skye and Chloe. I see you've already met Keeley. Well then....this is awkward..." 

There was an awkward silence for about 30 seconds (Gay Baby!) until Amber stepped forward "Dan, I think your awesome." She burst into tears and then Dan hugged her. "I think your awesomer Amber." Skye then burst into tears. I had no idea this would be so emotional. Chloe, Izzy and Frankie all joined in with Skye, Amber and Dan's hug. "Aw, what the heck!" I said and I joined in too.

After the emotional hug, we went back to my room and we played Just Dance. Me and Skye did Gangnam style, Keeley and Izzy did Call me maybe and Amber and Frankie did Moves Like Jagger. I of course got the highest score! Dan stayed in his room the whole time. I guess he was a bit freaked out. I would be too.

"I think we're going to have to go now, Its getting late!" Chloe said. They were standing around like they didnt want to leave. "If its ok with your parents, you can stay over if you like. and can just borrow some of my clothes!" I said. Thye all nodded in agreement. After they all called their parents ( and it was fine for all of them) I sorted out some pj's for them. I only have 2 pairs so I gave them to Izzy and Chloe. Skye got one of my t-shirts and shorts, Amber had my tracksuit bottoms and Dan's old shirt, and Frankie got my onepiece (because she dibbed it first) Keeley wore an amazing phil t-shirt that I found way at the bottom of my wardrobe and some shorts. I wore Dan's t-shirt and my hot pants from when I was like 7. I then realised. Not everyone could fit in my room.

"Daaaaaan, can I sleep in your room and you sleep in my room? Pleaaase!" I cried.

"Fine, As long as you dont touch anything and mess it up. And dont stay up too late, me and Phil need to get up early tommorow!" he cried back.

"Yaaaay!" I shouted. We took my cushions and my blankets into Dan's room and set up the beds. Izzy and Skye shared a large campbed on the floor. After a large argument about the bed, we decided Frankie had to sleep on the floor as she was the one who didnt believe my brother was Dan...and Amber, Keeley and me, bunked in Dan's bed.

"I CANT BELIEVE IM SLEEPING IN DAN'S BED!!" Keeley screamed. She usually fangirls alot, and I know she has an undying love for Dan and Phil...especially Phil. Amber was tired after a long day and soon began to sleep soundly, but the rest of us stayed up until 2..I think. Izzy was the most annoying, screaming IM GOING TO SPOON YOU every 2 seconds. I was the last to go to sleep as Keeley was lying LITERALLY ON TOP OF ME. Eventually I could hear Dan tiptoe into the room. Everyone was asleep, and I knew he'd probably get a bit angry if he know I was awake. I quickly shut my eyes. I could feel his presence next to me. "Night Georgia." he said and walked away silently.

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