You is so sexy

170 3 0

HELLOOOOO and now goodbye :)

georgia's p.o.v:

After my friends had left (and they didnt leave for ages!!) I cleaned up Dan's bedroom. If found that SOMEONE *cough* *keeley* *cough* had smeared nutella all over the pillows so I had to change them. I crawled under the bed to get the  remains of the popcorn and also found 3 pairs of Dan's underwear. I left them there because I AM NO WAY GOING TO TOUCH THEM. It was about 2 o'clock when Dan and Phil came back.

"Hey Freckle face, where did your drugged up friends go?" Phil said "Honestly you guys were so loud last night!" I laughed and he flopped beside me making me jump slightly. Dan ran and collapsed on the sofa. "Owwww!" he said. I laughed and I scholded him for being stupid. Oh the joys of having an older brother. Sigh.

"So what do you want to do for your birthday Georgia?" Dan said. I shrugged. I was 14 in a couple of weeks but birthdays just felt like another day to me. Except I was a year older. "Why don't you have a massive party? Invite everyone from school?" Phil said. I actually didn't care but I acted like it was an amazing idea because  I didnt want to seem rude. I hate parties.

So I went round to my room to get a pad, pen and the ipad. We found out there were 3 community halls we could use and they all were quite cheap. We worked out that it would fit all my friends and a couple of Dan's friends aswell. I guess we could buy cheap food and get someone to play at being a dj by using an ipod...

Well I guess im going to have get dressed up. Fudge

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