in the name of llama

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The day of the party was finally here. I couldn't wait to slip into my new dress but I had to wait until my friends got to the flat.

It was around about 12:30pm by the time everyone was finally inside my flat. I did tell them to get to my place for 11:30 but we were held up by one of us being an hour late *cough* Skye *cough*.

Everyone was wearing really nice dresses apart from Amber. She was wearing a leather skirt and white adventure time t-shirt although you couldn't really see it under the black cloak she wearing she looked like a dementor!

we watched a load of horror movies like smiley and one missed call on Netflix and then got ready.

just as we were admiring ourselves in the mirror and taking the last group photo, Dan popped into my room.

He had dressed up just for the occasion and was looking immaculate in his tux.

"my lady" he said, bowing to me as he did. "Your carriage awaits."

Phil then came in with a blindfold and tied it over my eyes. Then after an almost disastrous fall down the stairs later I was standing outside looking at one big ass limo.

"Holy shit Dan! is this taking us to the party?" I asked.

"what kind of person do you think I am? Did you expect to go by bus?" after saying this he opened the passenger door for us all and said

"Hello ladies, my name is Daniel Howell and today I will be your chauffeur, slightly less responsible adult, brother of the birthday girl and last but not least the bill payer."

After he said this he bowed and took the driving wheel with Phil as his guide next to him.

An hours drive later and we had arrived. There was a little trouble getting out of the limo as we had gotten a tipsy from the three bottles of champagne Dan had left in the mini bar.

The hall looked completely different from last time Dan and I had visited. The main lights had been switched off and replaced by hundreds of fairy lights. On the main wall where the was a huge banner displaying the words 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY GEORGIA!!'

It was beautiful.

Dan's friends were already there and quickly welcomed my friends into their conversations.

The party was going great everyone was having fun and the music, THE MUSIC WAS AMAZING!! Amber and Keeley must of came up with the playlist because there was Two door cinema club, Mumford and sons, the black keys and the midnight beast.

The party was drawing to an end and I watched as Amber and Dan started talking alone. It looked quite suspicious. Around five minutes or so later Amber walked away from Dan and to the stairs that led to the indoor balcony. The balcony was at an angle that if anyone looked up at it from the main hall where I was standing you could see the people who might be standing there giving a speech.

just as the door closed behind her and I could no longer track her whereabouts, Dan started to walk towards me with an awesome nyan cat cake. Everyone broke out into song and I was just about to blow out the candles when I saw Amber standing on the balcony. She smiled at me and was just about to flick a switch on the side wall when she tripped and fell.

This was not just any fall, it could of been simpler.

She could of gotten back up and if nothing had happened.

I could of not distracted her and let her get on with her and Dan's secret plan.

But no. Instead I received her smile and watched as she slipped off the balcony and fell to the ground before me.

can i just.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat