there once was a llama who wore a hat.

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SNOW!!!!!!!! Well, a bit anyway. Certainly enough to distract us in English.

Georgia's p.o.v:

I went into school the next day and was surrounded by my friends.

"It was your fault!" Frankie said, and gave me a shove. Skye gave me an evil glare and Chloe looked at the floor. Why was my friends turning against me? "What's my fault?" I said.

"You hurt Amber, she could be dead now. Why did you invite us to your birthday party?" Skye said. I sniffed a bit thinking about it. "It was no-one's fault, it was an accident! Even her parents said so!" I explained. My friends didn't think that. They ignored me for the rest of the day. I sat in the library alone at lunch with my book. After school I ran home and locked myself in my room. Dan and Phil tried to come in a few times but I put my head under my pillow and cried. I cried and cried until...

*knock knock*

"Georgia, its for you!" Phil said, knocking on my door.

"Tell them to fuck off, I'm not in the mood."

I stuck my head back under the pillow, until someone knocked on my door.

I got up frustrated and wiped my face. "I thought I told you to.." I said, but I looked up and Keeley was there smiling in my flat. "What are you doing here?" I said with a scowl. "She smiled even more and then said "I'm here to talk to you, can I come in?" We stood there awkwardly for a minute until I opened my door wider "I guess so." I said.

"Listen Georgia, I know everyone hates you...well not everyone. But trust me Georgia, I know it's not your fault. It was no-one's. They all hate you because they need someone to blame. Its the same if it was the other way round. So wipe your eyes, get out of bed. Its not the end of the world, you've still got a life to live!" She said. I wiped my eyes with my sleeve, and Keeley took a tissue and wiped them again. I brushed my hair and put on some of the clear mascara I got as a birthday present from Izzy. I then went back into the living room. "Sleeping beauty has finally woken up I see!" Said Phil trying to make me laugh. I sniggered a bit and then sat down next to Keeley. Keeley did a thumbs up sign to Dan when she thought I wasn't looking. Phil smiled at her and she blushed and smiled back. THAT PEDO. I felt so much better now that I had at least one friend in this world that wasn't over the age of 20. But yet another. Izzy called me up (She was really ill from too much alcohol at my party...poor Izzy) and said that everyone was being a bitch, and that I should stay away from Frankie and them lot until they calm down. I really hope they do.

Eventually Keeley left and I was bored for half an hour. Phil suggested I go watch a movie with them but I couldn't sit still. I took a shower to pass the time and then did some homework (I know..but I was so bored :O) I sat on my bed staring into space for half an hour, and then someone knocked on the door. "If you a rapist, murderer or some sort of psychopath fuck off, if your a fit boy leave your number and then fuck off." I said. A voice outside laughed and opened the door. It was Dan. "I fit into the Psychopath category but I'm still coming in. Lights out, Georgia." He said, sitting down on my bed. For some reason I burst into tears. Dan looked startled and then hugged me tight. "Eww, get off Dan you stink" I said, trying to turn this into a joke. He still hugged me and then said "Its ok, Amber will get better. She will. She will."

"Promise?" I said. Dan bit his lip and looked worried. "I can't really promise things like that." He said "But everything will turn out right." He pointed towards my bed and I jumped into it. I tucked myself in and then lisped "Tell me a story!"

"There once was a llama called Carl who wore a hat" He said "he killed a human by stabbing him 36 times in the chest. And then ate his arms. The end."

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