chapter five

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The Avengers Tower was still destroyed from the night of the party, when Ultron was born and unleashed his rage on the superheros. He had tried to kill them, and the Avengers were able to destroy the physical form of the dangerous robot, but before Ultron's wired brain turned off, he had already escaped through the internet. Ultron was gone with Loki's powerful spector, and in the aftermath, the superheros were slight divided.

Steve and Maria stepped out of the elevator into the destroyed room. Glass was scattered everywhere, bullets holes lined the walls and pieces of furnatire were turned upside down, but the sun was still shining brightly over the large building. Ultron's corpse had been the only things removed from the destroyed room, but some wires still littered the light hard wood floor.

"He's all over the globe," Maria tells Steve as they walked towards the stairs, that seemed untouched by battle. "Robotics labs, weapons facilities, jet propulsion labs. Report of a metal man, or men, coming in and emptying the place."

"Fatalities?" Steve asked, their footsteps echoing across the room as they started up the untouched staircase.

"Only when engaged," Maria said, relaying the newfound information from the last couple days. "Mostly people left in fegue state going on about old memories, worst fears, a girl who throws ice from her hands, and something too fast to see."

"The enhanced," Captain American muttered, then he glanced over at the short-haired, brunette agent. "That makes sense that he'd go to them. They have someone in common."

At the mention of Strucker, Maria took out her tablet and quickly pulled up a recent picture from the NATO prison. Maria handed Steve the device, and his eyebrow raised as he looked down at the picture before. The image was of Strucker, the mastermind of HYDRA, laying dead inside his prison cell. There was hole through his chest, and most of the black uniform was stained with fresh or dried blood. The stone wall behind him was covered in blood, and to the side, the word peace was spelt out in the criminal's blood. Steve's eyebrow raised with nervous curiosity as he noticed that Strucker's arms and legs were held in place by blocks of ice. One of the enhanced, the mysteries Bianca Vale, had been with Ultron bringing this sacrifice. The two shared a short glance of misunderstanding, not comprehending how the young fourteen-year-old could be so angry.

Steve continued up the stairs without Agent Hill by his side. His expression was hardened with seriousness, and his heavy footsteps echoed across the silent room. Clint was standing on the upper level, his arm on the railing and a phone to his ear. He muttering lightly to someone on the other line, and there was a little blush color across his checks. Steve came to a stop when he reached the next level, and turned to look at his teammate. The superhero was too busy talking to the person on the other line that he hadn't noticed Steve arrival.

"That's a negative. I answer to you," Clint murmured, "Yes ma'am."

"Barton," Steve said, intrrupting the phone cell with his strong, leader voice, "Might have something."

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